Guardian Angels

Curtis Sliwa, a night manager at a McDonald's restaurant in the Bronx, founded the Guardian Angels in 1979. Some say that he did it to help make New York City safer, and others say he did it for self-promotion.

Crime has been decreasing in New York City throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. There are several factors for the drop, although mayors, the NYPD, the Guardian Angels, and others all take credit.

In the early 1990s, the Guardian Angels were involved in controversy over faked crime statistics. The Guardian Angels are probably best known for their red berets.
Through it all there has been one constant - Curtis Sliwa and The Guardian Angels' service to New Yorkers. After 25 years as promoters of safety and empowerment, The Guardian Angels continue to teach communities and schools to take control and responsibility of both their environment and their lives. Now their community is global as they reach citizens around the world.

The story of this organization's genesis and nascent roots are by now familiar. The McDonald's night manager in a crime-ridden area of the Bronx, who, sickened and saddened by his city's deterioration, took matters into his own hands. He formed a voluntary, weapon-free patrol of 13 to take the subways, the streets and the neighborhood back from crime. The accolades that followed and success of their programs only heightened the symbolism of the red beret, now a worldwide icon for safety.

(Oxford English Dictionary)
attrib. passing into adj. with sense 'protecting, tutelary.' guardian-angel, an angel conceived as watching over or protecting a particular person or place; also transf.

1610 HEALEY St. Aug. Citie of God 125 Your great guardian-gods bore all this unmoved. a1631 DONNE Relique 26 Difference of sex no more wee knew, Then our Guardian Angells doe.

(Early English Books Online)
Goodman, Godfrey, 1583-1656.
The fall of man, or the corruption of nature, proued by the light of our naturall reason Which being the first ground and occasion of our Christian faith and religion, may likewise serue for the first step and degree of the naturall mans conuersion. First preached in a sermon, since enlarged, reduced to the forme of a treatise, and dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. By Godfrey Goodman ..., At London : Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Richard Lee, 1616

Blessed Lord God, &c. 116Kb
...the good Angels, of our guardian Angels; for so Scripture saith,
26 February 1980, New York Times, pg. B3:
Eighteen members of the Guardian Angels, a group of volunteers who patrol New York City's subways, yesterday ended a 180-mile walk from the city to Albany, where they urged adoption of their version of gun control legislation.
Mr. Sliwa said the Guardian Angels were all volunteers who worked at least one shift a week patrolling the city's subways. He said of the 250 members in the group, ranging in age from 15 to 28, about 40 began the walk last Monday.

1 March 1981, New York Times, pg. NJ 31:
"Guardian Angels"
Get Mixed Reception
Mayor Koch of New York has called the Guardian Angels vigilantes, and the Transit Authority police have said that the organization, despite the impressive statistics it issues, is a hindrance to fighting crime.

25 November 1992, New York Times, pg. B1:
Sliwa Admits
Faking Crimes
For Publicity

Current and Ex-Angels
Recount Slew of Hoaxes

Goods and Services (CANCELLED) IC 025. US 039. G & S: Clothing-Namely, T-Shirts. FIRST USE: 19790213. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19790213
(CANCELLED) IC 042. US 100. G & S: Crime Prevention Services-Namely, Providing Security Patrols. FIRST USE: 19790213. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19790213
Design Search Code 011506 021102 031701 260502 261502 261512
Serial Number 73269700
Filing Date July 11, 1980
Current Filing Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1A
Published for Opposition August 3, 1982
Registration Number 1214049
Registration Date October 26, 1982
Owner (REGISTRANT) Sliwa; Curtis INDIVIDUAL UNITED STATES c/o Murray Schwartz 295 Madison Ave. New York NEW YORK 10017
Attorney of Record DANIEL M. ROSEN
Disclaimer Without waiving any common law rights, applicant disclaims the words "Safety Patrol" apart from the mark as shown.
Affidavit Text SECT 15. SECT 8 (6-YR).
Live/Dead Indicator DEAD
Cancellation Date August 2, 2003