Grosstedes (Gristedes nickname)

The Gristedes supermarket ( is sometimes called Gross-tedes, not for flattering reasons.
QUOTE(Dani Mc @ Dec 1 2004, 05:47 PM)
Grosstedes for the really dirty and dismal Gristedes on 14th and 1st ave.
5:40 – Go to the Food Emporium (four blocks up) instead of Gristedes (aka Gross-tedes, to The Girlfriend, but around the corner) to buy dinner. Get home only to find while unpacking groceries that the package of butter I bought only had three sticks in it. Perfectly sealed, four stick box with only three sticks in it. Someone at the Land O’ Lakes factory is rocked, that’s all I’m going to say.
5:50 – Go to Grosstedes to buy proper package of butter instead of returning defective package of butter to the Food Emporium (four blocks up). It’s gross.
With a grocery store being no more than a stone’s throw out my front door, you might think that ordering my groceries online is the epitome of lazy. And you’d be wrong. Mostly wrong anyway. Sure, being spared the often less-than-delightful experience of Gross-tedes was a plus factor when I finally took the Fresh Direct leap, but it wasn’t the selling point. Yogurt was.
Is there a rule that all Gristedes have to be disgusting? I’ve tried to shop at a few (mostly UES and UWS years ago) and they always live up to the childish nickname Gross-tedes.
[20] Posted by: Constant Dater | June 26, 2006 02:08 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Darling, you capture my feelings toward Greasy’s/Grosstedes exactly, except for me the trigger is less the filth than the unutterable incompetence of the management and the employees. Brava my dear!