“Green is the new red” (“green” climatism is the new “red” communism)

“Green is the new red” (that is, “green” climatism is the new “red” communism) is a saying that has been printed on many images. The form of the saying borrows on the snowclone of “X is the new black.”
The political slang term of “watermelon”—green on the outside, red on the inside—expresses the same political ideology that the environmental movement is eco-socialist and anti-capitalist. “Green is the new red: the anti-American, anti-capitalist, and anti-human agenda of today’s environmentalists” was a chapter in the book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism (2007) by Christopher C Horner.
“Green is the new red” became popular in 2019 with opponents of the Green New Deal.
“Green in the new red, white and blue” (“red, white and blue” are the colors of the flag of the United States and symbolize “American”) was said several times by New York (NY) Times columnist Thomas Friedman, and the title of his Discovery Channel documentary was Green: The New Red, White and Blue (2007).
Wikipedia: Snowclone 
X is the new Y
Frequently seen snowclones include phrases in the form of the template “X is the new Y”. The original (and still common) form is the template “X is the new black”, apparently based on a misquotation of Diana Vreeland’s 1962 statement that pink is “the navy blue of India”. According to language columnist Nathan Bierma, this snowclone provides “a tidy and catchy way of conveying an increase, or change in nature, or change in function – or all three – of X”.
Examples include a 2001 album titled Quiet Is the New Loud, a 2008 newspaper headline that stated “Comedy is the new rock ‘n’ roll”, and the title of the 2010 book and 2013 Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black.
16 July 2001, New Statesman (London, UK), “Don’t leave environment to Labour” by Charles Clover, pg. 36:
The contrarian backlash of the mid1990s, American Republican in origin and led by columnists such as the Telegraph’s Matt Ridley, has forced the party back 20 years, to the verge of believing that green is the new red, instead of an area of turf over which all the parties should fight. 
12 July 2002, Daily News (New Plymouth, New Zealand), “Green is the new Red” by Chris Trotter, pg. 6:
As the rest of the programme unfolded, that sense of ideological certainty grew stronger and stronger, and when Keith Locke, afire with moral outrage at “America’s dirty little war in Afghanistan”, declared the Greens to be “the only peace party” the whole place erupted.
People began cheering wildly and stamping their feet. High up in the gallery I felt the whole building shake.
“What did you make of that?” a friend of mine asked as we stepped out into a wet and windy Auckland afternoon.
“Isn’t it obvious,” I replied. “Green is the new Red.”
December 2004, Review - Institute of Public Affairs (Melbourne, Australia), “Business Environment Conservation” by Jim Hoggett, pp.16-17:
More Confiscation
Confiscation of property and resources without appeal or compensation now appears principally as environmental legislation. Green is the new red. Native vegetation and fauna protection laws are designed to lock up private land and resources by forbidding activity over large areas of rural Australia without compensation. The Queensland Vegetation Management Act is just one egregious example.
OCLC WorldCat record 
The politically incorrect guide to global warming and environmentalism
Author: Christopher C Horner
Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Regnery Pub., ©2007.
Series: Politically incorrect guide.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : English
An expose of some of the more controversial agendas behind global warming argues that poor-quality science and dishonest politics are contributing to the intentionally disporportionate and self-serving levels of fear.
pt. I. Environmentalism and authoritarians—
1. Green is the new red : the anti-American, anti-capitalist, and anti-human agenda of today’s environmentalists—
Well-connected greens—
Green on the outside, red to the core—
OCLC WorldCat record
Green is the new red : how I became part of the “number one domestic terrorism threat”
Author: Will Potter
Publisher: 2008.
Dissertation: M.A. Johns Hopkins University 2009
Edition/Format:   Thesis/dissertation : Thesis/dissertation : Manuscript   Archival Material : English
Google Groups: sci.geo.meteorology
Green Is The New Red
Gorbachev are you there?
The REAL inconvenient truth: Zealotry over global warming could damage our Earth far more than climate change
5th April 2008
For many of them, green is the new red. And those who wish to order us how to run our lives, faced with the uncomfortable evidence that economic prosperity is more likely to be achieved by less government intervention rather than more, naturally welcome the emergence of a new licence to intrude, to interfere, to tax and to regulate: all in the great cause of saving the planet from the alleged horrors of global warming.
Bryan Payne
The stupidest comment I’ve seen in a while: “Green is the new red.”  Calling people going green socialists.  I want to punch someone.
5:45 PM - 5 Sep 2008
Google Books
Welcome to Obamaland:
I Have Seen Your Future and It Doesn’t Work

By James Delingpole
Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc.
Pg. 21:
It has become a commonplace on the political right that “green is the new red.” But the reason it’s a cliché is because it’s true.
Julie Phillips
The car in front of my has a bumber sticker that said “green is the new red” with a communist symbol after the red. Recyclers = Communists?
10:42 AM - 3 Apr 2009
“GREEN is the new RED”  Liberals are using “Going Green” as an excuse to introduce Socialist policies & beat the Constitution to death!
11:37 PM - 21 May 2009
Start plastering this everywhere: “Green is the new Red” Green agenda will kill economy and is Marxist.
10:25 PM - 25 May 2009
RT @RatedRepublican Green is the new Red. #eco #environment #environmentalists #communism #communist #socialist.. http://bit.ly/9gxq4y
6:00 PM - 23 Mar 2010
OCLC WorldCat record
Green Is the New Red : an Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege.
Author: Will Potter
Publisher: New York : City Lights Publishers, 2011.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : English
An insider tells how environmentalists and animal rights activists have become “the number one domestic terrorism threat.”
Green Is the New Red—Book Trailer
Will Potter
Published on Mar 7, 2011
Will Potter’s new book, “Green Is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege,” is available now from City Lights Books. It has been featured by NPR, Mother Jones, and Publisher’s Weekly, and Kirkus Book Reviews awarded it a Kirkus Star for “remarkable merit.” To find out more, please visit http://www.greenisthenewred.com/blog/....
The American Spectator
Green Is the New Red
January 11, 2019, 6:05 AM
Green New Deal legislation enjoys a number of enthusiastic, high-profile supporters. This stems in large part from no such bill existing.
The Heritage Foundation
Green Is the New Red
Feb 13th, 2019
Stephen Moore
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York Democrat, has released her Green New Deal plan to the nation — and to great applause from the Democratic Party.
This multi-trillion dollar manifesto isn’t just about saving the planet from climate change — though that is the centerpiece — but includes a whole “social justice” agenda that includes everything from Medicare for All, to a guaranteed job for all Americans, a $15-an-hour minimum wage, and even regulations on how often you will be able to drive your car and fly in an airplane.
Steve Spingola
This book, by a Marxist, confirms what I believed all along: Green is the new red, i.e. socialist and Marxist attempts to seize our wealth & control our lives.
7:41 PM - 10 May 2019