Grand Obstructionist Party (Grand Old Party or GOP nickname)

“Grand Obstructionist Party” is a nickname for the “Grand Old Party” or “GOP”—the Republican party—used by those who believe that the Republicans are obstructionists who don’t offer workable solutions of their own. “Grand Obstructionist Party” has been cited in print since at least 1993, but became popular in June 2007, when Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) said: “Once known as the Grand Ole Party, today the Republican Party can more aptly be described that (sic) the ‘Grand Obstructionist Party.’”
17 August 1993, Daily News (Los Angeles, CA), Public Forum:
Dole was subsequently quoted as saying that the GOP (Grand Obstructionist Party? ) may fight any of Clinton’s future proposed spending cuts unless the recent tax increases on the nation’s 1 percent most wealthy are rescinded. - The Caucus
February 17, 2007, 4:59 pm
Senate Impasse on Iraq Continues
February 17, 2007
8:23 pm
I see the Grand Obstructionist Party is at it again. They are continuing their do-nothing ways even as the minority party. Keep up the good work, you good old boys !!!! It would be down right funny if it weren’t for the fact that our citizen army is taking a beating due such incompetence.
Support our troops, BRING THEM HOME.
— Don Fitzgerald/ Chicago
June 27, 2007
Democrats Highlight Accomplishments In Face Of Republican Obstructionism
Washington, DC—Senators Charles Schumer and Debbie Stabenow and House Democratic Caucus Chair Rahm Emanuel today discussed Democrats’ achievements since assuming the majority six months ago. Even with Republicans stalling progress at every turn, this Democratic Congress is delivering on our promises to move America forward.
“Once known as the Grand Ole Party, today the Republican Party can more aptly be described that the ‘Grand Obstructionist Party,’” Schumer said. “Perhaps they see progress in a new Congress as defeat for them rather than a win for the American people.  Whatever the reason, they need to know that by their obstructionism, they’re not hurting Democrats, they’re slighting the American people.”
Bob Geiger at 11:00 AM on June 28, 2007.
The GOP: Grand Obstruction Party
Republicans have been making noise for a couple of weeks about how little the U.S. Senate is allegedly getting done now that Democrats have a scant majority and it’s past time to set the record straight. Given their role in intentionally obstructing almost every issue that’s come before the 110th Congress, the Senate’s GOP leadership criticizing the Upper House’s 2007 progress is a bit like Ann Coulter blaming the media for the impression that she’s a bile-spewing gargoyle.
Republicans have forced 13 of those (Cloture votes—ed.) in less than six months. To give you an idea of how obstructionist that is, there were only four cloture votes on motions to proceed in the two years comprising the first sessions of the 108th and 109th Congresses. “Once known as the Grand Ole Party, today the Republican Party can more aptly be described that the ˜Grand Obstructionist Party,” said Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Wednesday.
Naked Capitalism
Sunday, July 1, 2007
“Grand Obstructionist Party”
Normally, we stick close to our finance and markets knitting, but we thought this item was important enough to warrant making an exception.
New York (NY) Times
Congressional Memo
Muscle flexing in U.S. Senate: Republican defends strategy

By David M. Herszenhorn
Published: Monday, November 12, 2007
For the Democrats, it was a perfect example of why they have taken to calling the Republican the “grand obstructionist party.” The Democrats send out daily tallies of the number of Republican filibusters, which the Democrats say will set a record. 
12-13-2007, 11:24 AM
G.O.P. means Grand Obstructionist Party
Google Books
Bush - the Dark Night of America
By G. P. Geoghegan
Pg. 359:
It’s also clear that real change will not happen without a filibuster-proof Democratic majority in the Senate – because no benefit for lower-income and the middle-class is too important to get by the Grand Obstructionist Party.
Crooks and Liars Video Cafe
February 20, 2009 11:00 AM
Rachel Maddow Show: Grand Obstructionist Party- Frank Rich Interview
By Heather
Digital Journal
In the Media
Mar 10, 2009
Opinion: Putting a Black Face on the Grand Obstructionist Party
By Sadiq Green.
In what can only be seen as a calculated move to “reinvent” itself, the Republican National Committee recently elected Michael Steele as its Chairman, an achievement that might seem odd for a party where Black membership is minuscule.