“Government—Protecting and serving the hell out of you”

“Government—Protecting and serving the crap/hell/shit out of you” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many posters. The posters show what appear to be two police officers beating someone (who is on the ground) with batons. “To Protect and to Serve” is the motto of the Los Angeles (CA) Police Department that was popularized on the Dragnet television show in the 1950s and 1960s.
“Government Warning Button: Government: Protecting and serving the hell out of you” was cited in print on Twitter on November 20, 2009.
The Los Angeles Police Department (Los Angeles, CA)
The Origin of the LAPD Motto
In February 1955, the Los Angeles Police Department, through the pages of the internally produced BEAT magazine, conducted a contest for a motto for the police academy. The conditions of the contest stated that: “The motto should be one that in a few words would express some or all the ideals to which the Los Angeles police service is dedicated. It is possible that the winning motto might someday be adopted as the official motto of the Department.”
The winning entry was the motto, “To Protect and to Serve” submitted by Officer Joseph S. Dorobek.
“To Protect and to Serve” became the official motto of the Police Academy, and it was kept constantly before the officers in training as the aim and purpose of their profession. With the passing of time, the motto received wider exposure and acceptance throughout the department.
On November 4, 1963, the Los Angeles City Council passed the necessary ordinance and the credo has now been placed alongside the City Seal on the Department’s patrol cars.
Government Warning Button
Product ID: 145342198493904345
Made on: 11/30/2009 12:24 AM
Government Warning Button: Government: Protecting and serving the hell out of you. http://bit.ly/5b4Mpc
1:00 AM - 30 Nov 09
Friday’s T-shirt of the Day
Government: Protecting and serving the S%*# out of you! http://fb.me/I92mPOPS
9:38 AM - 22 Oct 10
End the War on Freedom
Protecting and Serving the Shit out of You
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 24 Jan 2011 16:24:11 GMT <== Humor ==>

Government: Protecting and Serving the Shit out of You
(Graphic is shown—ed.)
Before It’s News
Government. Protecting and serving the shit out of you [JHoward]
Friday, December 23, 2011 12:35
Maybe it’s just me — which wouldn’t be surprising — but you don’t really body slam a man to the marble for getting his oh so gentle, I’m-too-sexy groove on simply to point out that you’re slamming people to the marble for testing their rights — under Thos. Jefferson, so to speak — by getting their groove on.
Google Books
The End of Prisons:
Reflections from the Decarceration Movement

Edited by Mechthild E. Nagel and Anthony J. Nocella II
Amsterdam: Rodopi
Pg. 1:
One sarcastic slogan by the movement (Occupy Wall Street—ed.) “The Government—Protecting and Serving the Shit Out of You,” informs how law enforcement, who are actually part of the ninety-nine percent, has repeatedly assaulted nonviolent protesters.