GOPbagger (GOP + teabagger)

“GOPbagger” (GOP + teabagger) is an epithet for a Republican who supports tea party principles. The term is considered derogatory because of the sexual slang use of the word “teabagger.”
“GOP-bagger” was coined on December 22,2009 on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show.
‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ for Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009
MADDOW:  So much for the tea party contingent running insufficiently, right-wing Republicans out of the party, right?
Well, now, at least according to Dick Armey and Michael Steele, the Republican Party are the tea partiers and the tea partiers are the Republican Party, they are GOP-baggers, the tea-publicans.  They are one.
Maddow Invents New Terms to Degrade Conservatives: GOP-Baggers, Tea-Publicans
By Jeff Poor | December 23, 2009 | 10:07
On Dec. 22, when Rep. Parker Griffith of Alabama announced he would be switching from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party, it was to be expected MSNBC, the so-called “Place for Politics” would spin it in anyway imaginable. But Rachel Maddow decided to use the left’s favorite boogeyman, the tea party movement, to denigrate conservatives and distract from what could be real problems for House Democrats.
During the Dec. 22 broadcast of “The Rachel Maddow Show,” Maddow interpreted a joint conference call with Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele and FreedomWorks chairman Dick Armey to mean that the grassroots activism known as the tea party movement and the Republican Party had made peace. So, in the spirit of name-calling and low-brow humor, which the Maddow program has shown is one of its assets, Maddow contrived new titles for this movement (emphasis added).
“So much for the tea party contingent running insufficiently, right-wing Republicans out of the party, right?” Maddow said. “Well, now, at least according to Dick Armey and Michael Steele, the Republican Party are the tea partiers and the tea partiers are the Republican Party, they are GOP-baggers, the tea-publicans. They are one. At least they were on Monday.”
Rachel Maddow: Tea Partiers Are The New ‘GOP Baggers’
Glynnis MacNicol | 6:39 pm, December 23rd, 2009
On last night’s show Rachel Maddow, looking back at 2009, called the attempted reinvention of the Republican party after the last year’s election the “the greatest show in American politics over the past year.” So what will that reinvention produce? Maddow taps the Tea Partiers as a the strongest sign of what’s to come.