GOOP (GOP nickname)

The Republican party has been nicknamed the “GOP,” standing for “Grand Old Party.” “GOP GOOP” was cited in print in February 2009.
“GOOP” was popularized by the Lew Rockwell libertarian website on August 19, 2011.
In Another Country
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The National Republican Tust, a political action committee set up to produce anti-Obama commercials featuring Rev. Wright, is back with new radio ads targeting four senators who supported the stimulus package.
Lew Rockwell’s Political Theatre
‘Bushism Must Be Purged From the GOOP’*
Posted on August 19, 2011 by Lew Rockwell
Fun tweets from Roger Stone, and fun comments on them by Bob Wenzel.
*Not a misspelling. I’ve always hated the acronym GOP; this is far more descriptive.
Lew Rockwell’s Political Theatre
GOOP Instead of GOP
Posted on August 19, 2011 by Lew Rockwell
Bert Mueller asks what GOOP stands for: Ghouls Ogling Our Property. And thanks to those who let me know that Gwyneth Paltrow beat me to it, albeit non-politically.
David Cho
4:39 PM - 12 Jan 12
The Huffington Post
How the GOP Has Turned Itself Into GOOP
By Robert J. Elisberg
Posted: 02/ 1/2012 1:03 pm
I haven’t written about the Republican presidential primaries.
The Blog
Ron Paul: Young People Can’t Stand the GOOP
Posted by Lew Rockwell on April 23, 2013 12:02 PM
The Blog
Ron Paul on Gold, Bitcoin, Immigration, and the GOOP
Posted by Lew Rockwell on April 23, 2013 12:52 PM