Goldenfreude (gold + schadenfreude)

“Goldenfreude” (gold + schadenfreude) is the delight that non-gold holders have in seeing the price of gold drop and the goldbugs lose large sums of money. Gold dropped in price in the first half of 2013 Barry Ritholz of The Big Picture blog wrote on April 15, 2013:
“I do not want to engage in Goldenfreude — the delight in gold bugs’ collective pain — but I am compelled to point out how basic flaws in their belief system has led them to this place where they are today. “
A Business Insider article later on the same day titled “GOLDENFREUDE: Here’s Why People Are So Glad That Gold Is Crashing” helped to popularize the new term.
Wiktionary: schadenfreude
Borrowing from German Schadenfreude (“joy in the suffering of others”)
1.Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune.
The Big Picture
What Are Gold’s Fundamentals?
by Barry Ritholtz - April 15th, 2013, 7:15am
I do not want to engage in Goldenfreude — the delight in gold bugs’ collective pain — but I am compelled to point out how basic flaws in their belief system has led them to this place where they are today.
Business Insider
GOLDENFREUDE: Here’s Why People Are So Glad That Gold Is Crashing
Joe Weisenthal|Apr. 15, 2013, 11:32 AM
But there’s something else going on, which can only be described as “Goldenfreude”, the pleasure of seeing gold fans lose money.
Pleasure at the misfortune of others is a bad thing that should be discouraged, but from time to time, people can’t help themselves.
So why does Goldenfreude exist?
Planet Yelnick
Monday, April 15, 2013
GOLDENFREUDE: Gold as the Next Bitcoin
Amazing drop in gold this morning. First Bitcoin last week, now Gold. It hasn’t declined this sharply since the prior all-time peak in 1980. One of the major goldbugs, Dennis Gartman, has written that in four decades of gold trading, he has never seen such a bloodbath.
Goldenfreude is the pleasure of seeing goldbugs lose their shirts.
Goldenfreude: Skeptical Advisers Can’t Help Gloating
By Ben Steverman - Apr 17, 2013 1:33 PM CT
Now that gold has plummeted 27 percent from its record, culminating on April 15 in its deepest dive in 30 years, these same advisers are not above a little gloating—or, as Barry Ritholtz, chief executive officer and director of equity research at FusionIQ, put it in a recent blog post, “goldenfreude.”
Four Important Facts to Remember About Gold
—Posted Friday, 19 April 2013
By Frank Holmes
CEO and Chief Investment Officer
U.S. Global Investors
When volatility prevails in the gold market, I love seeing so many different opinions because it promotes critical thinking and healthy markets. But because gold is unlike any other commodity, many perspectives can be extreme, such as “goldenfreudes” who take pleasure in gold bugs’ pain.
US Global Investors
Because #gold is unlike any other commodity, some views can be extreme, such as “goldenfreudes
4:40 PM - 19 Apr 13