Glutard (gluten + retard)

A “glutard” (gluten + retard) is someone who has a sensitivity to foods that contain gluten, often requiring a gluten-free diet. “Glutard” has been cited in print since at least 2006.
The term “glutard” is usually not derogatory, but some prefer to not use it because “retard” is usually considered to be derogatory. “Glutard: one who must think outside the breadbox” has been printed on gift items, such as T-shirts and travel mugs.
A similar term to “glutard” is “lactard” (lactose + retard).
Wikipedia: Gluten-free diet
A gluten-free diet (GF diet) is a diet that excludes foods containing gluten. Gluten is a protein complex found in wheat (including kamut and spelt), barley, rye and triticale. A gluten-free diet is the only medically accepted treatment for celiac disease. Being gluten intolerant can often mean a person may also be wheat intolerant as well as suffer from the related inflammatory skin condition dermatitis herpetiformis, There are a smaller minority of people who suffer from wheat intolerance alone and are tolerant to gluten.
“Despite the health claims for gluten-free eating, there is no published experimental evidence to support such claims for the general population.” A significant demand has developed for gluten-free food in the United States whether it is needed or not.
Who Wants To Know?
Glu-tard, lac-tard, and all around re-tard
That would be me. Oh, and the gluten free “breadsticks” tasted like crap.
April 10, 2006
A Vegan Ice Crema Paradise
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Strawberry Ice Cream
I used Vanilla silk instead of regular vanilla so my “glut-ard” (gluten-free) friends could partake.
Urban Dictionary
One who does not possess the enzymes necessary to digest gluten, a main ingredient in wheat products. One who is “glutarded” must only eat gluten-free foods, such as water, tofu, and air.
“Hey, do you want some pasta for dinner?”
“No, sorry, I’m a glutard.”
”...what does that mean?”
“It means… I’m glutarded.”
“Oh. Okay.”

by beardy51188 September 03, 2006
Katie P. O’Shea
Glutard food. - Photo:
11:30 PM - 6 Jun 2008
Rachel Dixon
Sonifagun. Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a glutard, too. There’s a book. I’m sure the recipes are deliciously ghostwritten.
5:56 PM - 26 Apr 2009
Andrea Memenas
For all you gluten free folks our there. (I call you “glutards”) #gfcf
1:25 PM - 17 Nov 2010
Life Without Buns
Posted on 01/16/2013
Why You’ll Never Hear Me Use the Word “Glutard”
It doesn’t make me upset because it’s a particularly not-politically-correct portmanteau of “gluten” and “retard,” but instead, it upsets me because of how it reflects on the gluten free community as a whole. It makes us seem less smart and, thus, less legitimate.
When you say to someone, “I’m a glutard,” it means nothing. It does not tell people what’s wrong with you, and if they are not part of the gluten free discourse community, they’ll be very confused. While it can be sometimes embarrassing to have to explain to your date, or your new friend, or your parents, what celiac is, you are worth much more than just labeling yourself as “glutarded.” It makes me cringe even typing that. Knowledge is power, my friends, and those of us with gluten problems are full of knowledge; why make yourself seem less knowledgeable than you are?
Food Republic
Feb 19, 2014 10:00 am
Glutard Problems: I’m Back On Beer, No Biggie. But Do I Take The Soy Sauce Plunge?
Optimistically toeing the wheat line again

Welcome back to “Jess Toes The Line So You Don’t Have To!” I’ve been experimenting with my moderate gluten allergy after abstaining from wheat completely for five years. I discovered last year that I can tolerate most beer — obviously not hefeweizens or other wheat beers, and I try to limit it to two per night, but that was a big development. I expect the wine and gin industries will suffer. Onto the next thing I’m ready to invite back into my diet: soy sauce, famously cited as a “hidden gluten” culprit and made with up to 80% wheat.
Dr. Katie Rose
@eatphod I love the vanilla chocolate chip! Any chance of a gluten free one for my “glutard” friends?
4:19 PM - 19 Feb 2014