Giverment (giver + government)

“Giverment” is a dialect spelling of “government” that has been cited in print since at least 1914. In the 2000s, “giverment” has also meant a blend of “giver” and “government”—a government that gives benefits to many people.
A similar spelling is “givernment.”
Google Books
August 1914, The Woman’s Magazine, “Camping in the Cumberlands,” pg. 35, col. 1:
The law has been entirely in their hands for generations, and it is not easy for them to lay down the reins; especially to a “giverment” whose only dealing with them has been to take part of their pitifully inadequate money, made from pressing grapes and apples.
Google Books
Americans All Over
By Jerome Beatty
New York, NY: John Day Company
Pg. 342:
But our colonial policy — half -government, half-giverment — makes the Islands an economic liability.
Google Books
So Shall They Reap
By John Bennett
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Co.
Pg. 111:
“They don’t get no uniforms ‘cause the giverment ain’t got none.”
Google Books
The Parson of the Hills
By Charles A. Keyes
New York, NY: Vantage Press
Pg. 102:
Some of the biggest liquor makers in the world is over in Louisville, and they are backed up by the giverment of Americky.
Google Books
Riding the Rails:
Teenagers on the Move in the Great Depression

By Errol Lincoln Uys
New York, NY: TV Books
Pg. 16:
He listened to dirt-poor farmers talk about “Ruzafelt” and the “Giverment,” the cost of feed and seed, and the drought.
An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings
Another Stupid Giverment Idea!
5 May 2010, 9:05 am.
I want a nice sun room, environmentally sound, of course. Gimme some of dat “Obama money”!
Cash for Caulkers: Another Subsidized Clunker
The Foundry
Liberals want Giverment to
Pay for gas to drive over to
Pick up their birth control #Taxpayers #tcot #teaparty #Obama2012 #ObamaDistraction
6:12 PM - 10 Mar 12
Russ Pitts
Today’s Freudian typo: I keep typing “government” as “giverment.”
9:54 AM - 25 Sep 13
Cody Venzke
Unfortunate consequence of my typo-riddled tax notes? A great new conservative neologism: the “giverment” #tcot
2:55 PM - 1 Dec 13