George Eddy (customer who doesn’t leave a tip)

Entry in progress—B.P.
February 1936, American Speech, “Linguistic Concoctions of the Soda Jerker” by Harold W. Bentley, pp. 37-45:
GEORGE EDDY. Man who gives no tips.
Google Books
Diner Desserts
By Tish Boyle
San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books
Pg. 69:
George Eddy: customer who doesn’t leave a tip
Diner Slang
Dave Wilton, Friday, September 30, 2005
George Eddy, customer who doesn’t leave a tip (presumably from the name of a notoriously poor tipper)
Google Books
Fix the Pumps:
The History of the Soda Fountain

By Darcy S. O’Neil
Art of Drink (
Pg. 23:
George Eddy
man who leaves no tips
Google Books
Hash House Lingo:
The Slang of Soda Jerks, Short-Order Cooks, Bartenders, Waitresses, Carhops and Other Denizens of Yesterday’s Roadside

By Jack Smiley
Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc.
2012 (Originally published in 1941)
Pg. 68:
George Eddy—non-tipping customer