Generation Screwed

The term “Generation Screwed” describes a generation of millennials who will have to pay the debts left from the baby boomers and an aging population. “I hereby declare the next generation ‘Generation Screwed’” was posted on Twitter on December 13. 2009.
“Generation Screwed” was popularized when it was a cover story in Maclean’s magazine in Canada in December 2010 and in Newsweek magazine in the United States in July 2012.
“Generation Debt” is a similar name.
I hereby declare the next generation ‘Generation Screwed.’ Now, Gen Screwed, whatta gonna do about your screwed future? Play more vid games?
12:41 PM - 13 Dec 2009
Maclean’s (Canada)
December 6, 1010
Generation Screwed
Lower incomes. Worse jobs. Higher taxes. Bleaker futures.
What boomers are leaving their children. P.54
The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ontario)
What’s the matter with kids today? Well, no jobs, no money
Published Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010 5:00AM EST
Last updated Thursday, Sep. 06, 2012 3:56PM EDT
Maclean’s magazine recently explored this phenomenon in a cover story titled Generation Screwed. It’s a chilling portrayal of the absolute mess boomers have not only created for the millennial generation (those born in 1980 or later) but seem destined to leave behind for others to clean up.
Alicia Love
Generation screwed; the geriocracy won’t let young people get ahead;
9:43 AM - 24 Sep 2011
OISE Library
Generation lie: is it really the baby boomers versus ‘generation screwed’?
12:35 AM - 3 Dec 2011
Generation screwed: It’s not easy being a Millennial
4:18 PM - 13 Feb 2012
BY JOEL KOTKIN ON 7/16/12 AT 1:00 AM
Today’s youth, both here and abroad, have been screwed by their parents’ fiscal profligacy and economic mismanagement. Neil Howe, a leading generational theorist, cites the “greed, shortsightedness, and blind partisanship” of the boomers, of whom he is one, for having “brought the global economy to its knees.”
How has this generation been screwed? Let’s count the ways, starting with the economy. No generation has suffered more from the Great Recession than the young. Median net worth of people under 35, according to the U.S. Census, fell 37 percent between 2005 and 2010; those over 65 took only a 13 percent hit.
Asher Wolf
Banner on the cover of ‘Newsweek’: “18-35? YOU ARE GENERATION SCREWED!” Thanks for pointing out the obvious, arseholes.
4:02 AM - 19 Jul 2012
Industry Today
Date: 8/30/2012
One Screwed-up Generation Left Behind
Forget about the “baby boomer” generation, or even the Generations X, Y and Z. The Obama administration, and its “Obamanomics,” created a new generation – the “Generation Screwed.” So says author David Foran. His message is clear in the title of one of his most recent books: “Erroneous Drones: Saving the Economy from Legions of Self-Destructive Liberals.”
The American Economy is unsustainable, and we as a nation are headed in the wrong direction. If we do not alter course soon, it will be a hard life for “Generation Screwed,” as they’ll pay the price of our generation’s foolish excess.
Author David Foran is a corporate financial planning and analysis professional with 20 years of experience.
Zero Hedge
Government Cutting Benefits For “Generation Screwed”
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/03/2013 18:05 -0400
Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog,
Human beings have an innate desire to thrive.
And there are few things more soul crushing than to sit idle and unemployed during one’s most formative and energetic years.
Traveling across Europe this summer, I was astonished at the economic decimation in places like Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, and Italy.
Youth unemployment rates in these countries are upwards of 40% to nearly 70%. The most recent figures published by the Italian government show yet another record high in youth unemployment.
An entire generation is now coming of age without being able to leave the nest or have any prospect of earning a decent wage in their home country.
Zero Hedge
Generation Screwed Fights Back
by Tyler Durden
Aug 13, 2016 8:18 PM
Submitted by Pieter Diekmeyer of SprottMoney
Numerous data points suggest that Western youth are increasingly disenfranchised, mal-educated and in debt. How that will affect investment outlooks is unclear. The good news is that some Millennials – in Canada of all places – are starting to fight back.
So says Aaron Gunn, executive director of Generation Screwed, a movement sponsored by the Canadian Taxpayer Federation. The group will be conducting its annual retreat of volunteer student coordinators later this month in Quebec City.