
A “gastronome” is a connoisseur of good food and drink, sometimes also called a “gourmet” or “epicure.” The related terms “gastronomist” and “gastronmer” indicate the same thing, but are less frequently used; all derive from the word “gastronomy” (the art or science of good eating).
“Gastronome” appears in French from at least 1674. In the early 1800s, several French books used “gastronome” in the title. ‘Gastronome” is cited in English from at least 1817.
Dictionary: gas·tro·nome   (găs’trə-nōm’ )  also gas·tron·o·mer
A connoisseur of good food and drink; a gourmet. Also called gastronomist. Food Dictionary
A connoisseur of good food — someone with a refined palate.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Main Entry: gas·tron·o·my
Pronunciation: \-mē\
Function: noun
Etymology: French gastronomie, from Greek Gastronomia, title of a 4th century b.c. poem, from gastro- gastr- + -nomia -nomy
Date: 1814
1 : the art or science of good eating
2 : culinary customs or style
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Main Entry: gas·tro·nome
Pronunciation: \ˈgas-trə-ˌnōm\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, back-formation from gastronomie
Date: 1823
: a lover of good food ; especially : one with a serious interest in gastronomy
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Main Entry: gas·tron·o·mist
Pronunciation: \ga-ˈsträ-nə-mist\
Function: noun
Date: 1825
: gastronome
(Oxford English Dictionary)
[a. F. gastronome, back-formation from gastronomie GASTRONOMY.]
One versed in gastronomy; a judge of good eating.
1823 SCOTT Peveril xxvii, A conversation on the mysteries of the table, which..a modern gastronome might have listened to with pleasure.
1837 W. IRVING Capt. Bonneville III. 15.
1859 G. MEREDITH R. Feverel xxxv, Tears and shrieks accompany the descent of the gastronome.
OCLC WorldCat record
L’art de bien traiter : divisé en trois partie : ouvrage nouveau, curieux et fort galant, utile à toutes personnes et conditions
by Robert, gastronome.
Type:  Book; French
Publisher: Paris : J. Du Puis, 1674.
OCLC WorldCat record
Le Gastronome à Paris : Epitre à lʹauteur de la gastronomie ou lʹhomme des champs a table
by S C Croze-Magnan
Type:  Book
Publisher: Paris : Suret, 1803.
OCLC WorldCat record
Le dessert du gastronome : chansonnier des amateurs de la tables.
by John F L S Hodgkin; American Institute of Wine & Food,
Type:  Book; French
Publisher: A Paris : Chez Tiger, [1815]
Google Books
3 May 1817, The Sale-Room (Edinburgh), pg. 137, col. 2:
The exertions of our active and meritorious manager have, however, of late called me from my mental “potatoe and point” (such is the denomination of the ideal Hibernian banquet, of which you are welcome to communicate the receipt to any gastronome of your acquaintance,) to the more substantial fare with which he has lately regaled the public.
OCLC WorldCat record
Le gastronome sans argent, vaudeville en un acte,
by Eugène Scribe;————Brulay
Type:  Book; French
Publisher: Paris, Fages, 1821.
17 August 1822, City Gazette (SC), pg. 2:
Under the emperors, the vulgar luxury of Gluttony, (for a fine polished Gastronome was not known in those days,) was carried to great excess, even to a cruelty too disgusting to mention.
*Lest the author should be considered as a finished Gastronome, it is but in justice to himself, as well as to the inimitable author of the Almanac des Gourmands, to state, that he is indebted to that amusing work for many of the culinary and other articles to be found in this Eulogy.
18 September 1822, The Times (London), pg. 3:
In sober earnest, for it is dangerous jesting with the stomach, we would say to the gastronomers, try, and do not tell us that a turbot will not live in Loch-Tay till you have tried.
18 October 1822, Edinburgh (UK) Advertiser, pg. 3:
...and shortly afterwards married him, to the great disappointment of the gastronomes of the country, in whom the good condition of Kabric had excited a hope of enjoying the most exquisite cheer.
Google Books
New Voyages and Travels: Consisting of Originals, Translations, and Abridgements
By Phillips, R. (Richard), Sir, 1767-1840
Published by Printed for Sir Richard Phillips
Item notes: v. 9
Pg. 29:
There is only one auberge at Valorsine; here a gastronome (epicure) would be ill at ease, as he could get nothing but milk, cheese, eggs, and bad wine, with bread a year old.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Bill Buford is hot
He’s back this week, in fact, with a six-page article on Long Island oysters under the heading “Notes of a Gastronome”. One assume there will be further notes to come, and that Buford is essentially joining Trillin on the New Yorker food beat.