Garment Center (Garment District; Fashion Center; Fashion District)

New York City has a Garment Center (also known as the Garment District, Fashion Center and Fashion District). The unofficially defined neighborhood is in Manhattan, between Fifth Avenue and Ninth Avenue and from 34th Street to 42nd Street. "New Garment Centre" was cited in the New York (NY) Times in 1921.

In the late 20th century, the business of garment manufacturing was shipped overseas. The Garment Center/District became known as the Fashion Center/District in the 1970s, and Seventh Avenue was nicknamed as Fashion Avenue."

Wikipedia: Garment District, Manhattan
The Garment District, also known as the Garment Center, the Fashion District, or the Fashion Center, is a neighborhood located in the Manhattan borough of New York City. The dense concentration of fashion-related uses give the neighborhood its name. The neighborhood, less than 1 square mile (2.6 km2), is generally considered to lie between Fifth Avenue and Ninth Avenue, from 34th to 42nd Street. The neighborhood is home to the majority of New York’s showrooms and to numerous major fashion labels, and caters to all aspects of the fashion process from design and production to wholesale selling. The Garment District has been known since the early 20th century as the center for fashion manufacturing and fashion design in the United States, and even the world; no other city has a comparable concentration of fashion businesses and talent in a single district. -- Garment District Parking Regulations
Parking in garment district restricted to trucks and vans - Notwithstanding any provisions of these rules to the contrary, no vehicles except trucks and vans bearing commercial plates shall stand at the curb for the purpose of expeditiously loading and unloading between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., daily, including Sundays, from 35th Street to 41st Street, between Avenue of the Americas and 8th Avenue, all inclusive, in the Borough of Manhattan. For the purpose of this paragraph (4), passenger vehicles, or station wagons bearing commercial plates shall not be deemed trucks or vans.

19 June 1921, New York (NY) Times, pg. 32:

Big Co-operative Building Will
Open Officially July 5.

The Garment Centre Capitol will be officially opened on the morning of July 5, marking the completion of the largest co-operative movement to improve manugacturing conditions ever attempted in the garment industry. The two buildings comprising the Capitol, on Seventh Avenue from Thirty-sixth to Thirty-eighth Streets, were erected at a cost of $20,000,000 and provide a total floor space of 1,500,000 square feet. Besides the factories, the building will house a club, occupying two floors, a modern gymnasium with four handball and two squash courts, an Italian roof garden and completely equipped restaurants and bakeries.

The Garment Centre was designed as a central buying market for retail buyers if high-grade women's apparel and to keep the central manufacturing district apart from the retail section of the city. Ideal working conditions are furnished for employes, with plenty of fresh air and sunshine, rest rooms, restaurants and roof gardens. The centre also provides facilities for efficient shipping and hauling. Offices will be maintained in the building by all the express companies, and four spiral chutes, fourteen feet wide, for carrying packages will convey shipments to the first floor and to the express offices.

The general architectural treatment of the buildings is in the Italian Renaissance style. The first three stories are of limestone, with granite pier bases.

WWD (Women's Wear Daily)
February 27, 2015
John B. Fairchild Dies at 87
By Mort Sheinman
NEW YORK — John B. Fairchild, who transformed Women’s Wear Daily from a trusty but tedious trade publication into a provocative, powerful and whimsical international force — along the way pioneering the coverage that would become standard fixtures of modern-day fashion and celebrity journalism — died Friday morning at age 87 after a long illness.
Anything Fairchild deemed banal, or “merchy,” as he put it, was banned from the news columns. Photos of beaming garment executives accepting “man-of-the-year” plaques were too “merchy.” Items about salesmen switching jobs? Merchy. For a while, even the word “garment” was outlawed. Too déclassé. That part of Manhattan known to generations of New Yorkers as the Garment District became “the fashion district.”