Fulton Fish Market

The Fulton Fish Market was on Fulton Street in Manhattan. In 2005, it moved to the Bronx Hunts Point area.

Former New York Governor Al Smith got his start with what he called an "F.F.M." degree - "Fulton Fish Market."

6 February 1822, Pittsfield (MA) Sun, pg. 2:
The Fulton Market. - This market was opened yesterday, and it was ornamented with the handsomest exhibition of Beef, Mutton, Pork &c. ever presented to the public.

13 August 1950, New York Times, pg. R1:
New Fish Market Plan Recalls
Days When Beef Sold at 8 Cents

A new building is rising on the site of the old Fulton Fish Market, a landmark and trade center in the city for 128 years. It will meet the modern requirements of the downtown waterfront district at Fulton and Front Streets where the original Fulton Market was opened for the sale of meat in January, 1822.
Delving into the early history of the original market, Mr. (architect Henry - ed.) Silverman yesterday pointed out that the question of erecting a public market at this spot came before the city officials as early as 1815. The tempo of life was slower in those days, and it was two years later than the land was bought, and 1821 before the contract was awarded for the work.

The Fulton ferry then was a hub of activity, and the site was chosen because of its convenience to the ferry and for the benefit of Long Island farmers who said they could provide the public with vegetables at four to six cents less per bag by saving the cost of carting to the so-called Fly Market.
When the market opened it was the most spacious and costly edifice of its kind in the country. It carried a wide variety of meats, including display of exceptional quality.

Some stalls soon became vacant, however, and in Market Board decreed that the Beekman Street side, known as the north wing, should be given over to sellers of fish. By 1824, on year after the opening, that portion of the market was entirely occupied for that purpose.