Fugeddaboutit! (“forget about it”)

"Fugeddaboutit" is not in Irving Lewis Allen's City in Slang (1993). I remember its use in a popular 1990s radio ad for Tops Appliance City.

The Works Progress Administration in the 1930s compiled information on this type of slurred speech, but "forget about it" does not appear.

Urban Dictionary
Looking for the official spelling? Forget about it.

Consensus is definitely for "fuhgeddaboudit." But at least 53 different spellings can be found on the web. As of December 2004, here are the top ten...
spelling -- (google hits) -- (nytimes.com hits)

fuhgeddaboudit (82200) (20)
fuggedaboudit (6760) (14)
fuggedaboutit (6040) (4)
fuhgeddaboutit (5770) (35)
fuggetaboutit (3760) (0)
fuhgetaboutit (3430) (2)
fuhgedaboudit (2530) (8)
fahgetaboutit (2470) (0)
fugedaboudit (2240) (0)
fugetaboutit (2010) (0)
by vanilla g-lotto Dec 29, 2004

Funding Universe
Tops Appliance City, Inc.
Perhaps Tops's most distinctive feature was its belligerent advertising. In newspaper ads the company promised to "humiliate" its competitors. Noisy radio commercials in the same in-your-face vein ended with the signature phrase "Fuggedaboudit!" delivered in impeccable Brooklynese.

Almanac for New Yorkers 1937
Compiled by the Works Progress Administration in New York City
Pg. 122:
Fithavnya. An important thoroughfare running from Washington Square to 142nd Street in Manhattan.
Freshegginit? Wistful inquiry made by soda counterman when a milkshake is ordered. The expected answer is "No."
Gimmyaringforwensdy. "Call me by telephone before next Wednesday."
Giverair! Mass chant shouted over a woman who has fainted.
Howzigohinbud? "Good day, friend. Are your affairs progressing favorably?"
Jeezisshot! Midsummer observation. Example of the slurred apirate.
Juhearutased? Traditional second question policemen ask loiterers. Actions, not words, are indicated. See Whyntchagoferawawk?
Keepyurnozeoutathgutta. Advising tempreance; "remember not to get too intoxicated."
Lawn Gyland. An insular appendix of New York State surrounding Amityville.
Lemawf! Lemawf! Subway guard's plea to allow passengers to leave the train.
Lezgehgohinbabe. "I suggest that we leave, Gwendolyn."
Maymineasame. Commonly spoken over a polished mahogany bar.
Phewkinfixzitlemmyknow. "In the event that you are able to make the desired arrangements, please inform me."
Sawlawf. "The suggested arrangement is not satisfactory" or "It is finished, over, done, ended."
Seeinya. Farewell, usually spoken in chorus; vaguely implies future meetings.
Sheeaingottafren, itzasista. What it costs a sailor two nickels to learn in a telephone booth.
Slovlyonyamodom. Salesgirl's inevitable reaction to any gown on any customer.
Smatterthya Expression of solicitude for the state of another's health, or implying misgivings concerning his mental capacity.
Smosamonryethlessenogrease. Drugstore counterman's verification of an order for a smoked salmon sandwich on rye bread with lettuce, but without butter or mayonnaise.
Taykadeezy, Taykadeezy. Redundant expression intended to calm the emotions.
Thisunsonnahouse. Obsolete bar expression; now heard only when an old-time bartender forgets himself.
Washastep! Subway guard's version of "Take care in alighting from the train, ladies and gentlemen."
Whyntchagoferawawk? Traditional first question policemen ask loiterers. No answer is required.
Yessirollaypape! Newspaper vendor's cry; means nothing, intended to draw the customer near to be asked -
Yessirwaddyaread? "Which paper do you wish to purchase?"

19 January 1938, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin:
- A Fighting Word
WHEN a New Yorker wants another drink, he tells the bartender,"Filladuppigen."

If he thinks the man's pupils look too dilated, he replies,"Yoovadanuffbud."

The patron had better not argue, or the bartender might ask,"Wannamayksumpnuvvit?"

That formidable-looking word is defined in the WPA's "1938 Almanac for New Yorkers" as "an invitation to a brawl."

Other definitions of New Yorkese, upheld by the almanac editors as being"at least as fruity and full-flavored as ever proper English could be," are:

Braykidup: Policeman's suggestion to any group of loiterers.
Wazzitoyuh?: Delicate rebuff to an excessively curious questioner.
Takadiway: "Please remove it from sight immediately."
Dombeeztoopid: Expressing specific disagreement, with undertones ofdisparagement.
Ladderide: Warning not to pursue the subject further.
Whyntchalookeryagoyn?: Rhetorical expression of relief used (by motoristsespecially) after a near-collision.
Sowaddyasaybabe, or Hozzabotutbabe: Prelude to romance.

New York (NY) Times
THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING; When it comes to marketing, why ask why? Madison Avenue often moves in mysterious ways.
By Stuart Elliott
Published: May 31, 1994
TIME again to ask 20 questions inspired and provoked by advertising and marketing.
*How can a grateful nation ever properly thank the executives of Tops Appliance City for toning down the annoying campaign featuring the crude character Topsy and his boorish shout "Forget about it!"?

28 April 1995, Orlando (FL) Sentinel, "Ito's Brooklyn accent remark court cross-country reaction," pg. A10:
But, hey, fuggedabowdit (that's "Forget about it").