Fucking Crappy Ass Test (“FCAT” backronym)

The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) is a standardized test for students in Florida’s primary and secondary public schools. The FCAT has been given the backronymic (back acronym) nickname of “Fucking Crappy Ass Test” since at least 2004.
Wikipedia: Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, or the FCAT/FCAT 2.0 (Pronounced eff-cat), is the standardized test used in the primary and secondary public schools of Florida. First administered statewide in 1998, it replaced the State Student Assessment Test (SSAT) and the High School Competency Test (HSCT).
by darkmoon3636, Mar 2, 2004, 5:25:05 AM
Well, this week every dumb-ass student that lives in Florida has to take the “FCAT” which stands for Fucking Crappy-Ass Test…Ok, I need to work on the title, either way, it’s retarded.
February 27 2005, 22:38:00 UTC
lnoo brahh..its like this….Fuckin Crappy Ass Test = FCAT 8-)
Domovoi Achelson Nikolai
Aug. 4th, 2006 @ 10:37 pm
Last year of the Fucking Crappy Ass Test (FCAT). I just have to pass it. Which I shall.
Urban Dictionary
Fucking Crappy Ass Test given to students in Florida. It was made to fuck up everyone’s lives, even teachers.
Student: Man I failed the damn FCAT.
Teacher: That’s nothing. I got fired.

by Bakalaka Oct 9, 2006
FCAT = Fucking Crappy Ass Test **
3:38 AM - 16 Apr 12