“Fruit and urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere”

A “urinal cake” is not something that’s eaten, but there are jokes. This was posted on Twitter by Jeannette on January 20, 2011:
“Fruit and urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere.”
The speaker doesn’t think much of fruitcakes, either. The joke was posted on Reddit—Oneliners on April 25, 2018.
Fruit and urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere.
8:03 PM - 20 Jan 2011
Fruit and urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere.
11:15 AM - 13 May 2011
Splitz Grill
So True!! “@YeahImAshley: Fruit and urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere.”
11:18 AM - 13 May 2011
The Afterword
I was walking down this road the other day…
26/07/2015 by Ahh_Bisto
A chance conversation with a neighbour earlier included him more or less saying the words in the title. I was transported back 30 odd years to the time I saw Ted Chippington
Apparently Ted is performing again and is on Twitter. Here’s one of his tweets:
“Fruit and urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere”
Mike Knight
Fruit and urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere. #Fact
11:49 AM - 19 Jan 2016
Fruit and Urinal give a bad name to cakes everywhere.
submitted April 25, 2018 by porichoygupto