Frogmageddon (frog + Armageddon)

The Times (London) published on April 29, 2013, “Gourmets blamed for causing ‘frogmageddon.’” The “frogmageddpn” (frog + Armageddon) is the lack of frogs caused by the European passion for frogs’ legs.
The Times (London)
Gourmets blamed for causing ‘frogmageddon’
Richard Lloyd Parry Asia Editor
Last updated at 11:59PM, April 29 2013
The European passion for frogs’ legs is driving an international massacre of the amphibians which is endangering species and harming natural environments across south-east Asia.
According to environmentalists, gourmets in Belgium, France and the Netherlands have consumed the legs of billions of frogs in last decade, threatening the survival of native populations and allowing mosquitoes and other insects to breed unchecked.
The “Frogmageddon” has prompted questions from the European Parliament about what the European Commission is doing about the problem, and about the cruel way in which the amphibians are parted from their limbs.