Fried Ice Cream (Mexican Fried Ice Cream or Fried Mexican Ice Cream)

“Fried ice cream” is a popular dessert at Tex-Mex restaurants. It’s often called “Mexican Fried Ice Cream” or “Fried Mexican Ice Cream.” Fried ice cream is sometimes said to have been invented at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, but news articles in April 1894 claimed it to be a new Philadelphia invention.  Fried ice cream is often compared to Baked Alaska, a similar dish of the same period.
Fried ice cream was seldom served after the 1890s until the 1960s. A Loo Loo franchise of “French Fried Ice Cream” failed to catch on in the 1950s. In the 1960s, the Karafune restaurant in the Gion dsitrict of Kyoto, Japan, offered fried ice cream, cooked similar to deep-fried tempura. Fried ice cream is still served in Asian restaurants today (Thai and Chinese as well as Japanese restaurants).
Until the 1970s, fried ice cream had no connections at all to Mexico or Tex-Mex cuisine. In September 1976, the national Tex-Mex chain called Chi-Chi’s (now defunct) offered “Mexican Fried Ice Cream” on its menu. The Phoenix-based Garcia’s restaurant chain also served Mexican fried ice cream about this time. By the early 1980s, Mexican fried ice cream was offered in Tex-Mex restaurants all over America.
In 1963, author Edna Ferber declared that “Texas fries everything but ice cream.” Times have changed!
Wikipedia: Fried ice cream
Fried ice cream is a dessert. There are Mexican/American and Asian variants.
At Mexican food chain restaurants in the United States (e.g. El Torito or Chi-Chi’s) and fairs and carnivals it is commonly made by taking a scoop of ice cream frozen well below the temperature at which ice cream is generally kept, possibly rolling it in egg, then rolling in cornflakes or cookie crumbs—and briefly deep frying. The extremely low temperature of the ice cream prevents it from melting while being fried. It might be sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and a touch of peppermint, though whipped cream may be used as well.
In Chinese and Japanese restaurants in the U.S fried ice cream has also become a commonly served dessert. The recipe at such restaurants usually uses tempura batter instead of cornflakes or cookie crumbs. The most common flavors in Asian restaurants are green tea, vanilla and red bean. Coconut may also be used.
Wikipedia: Chi-Chi’s
Chi-Chi’s was a popular Mexican restaurant chain from 1975 to 2004. It went out of business in the United States following a 2003 Hepatitis A outbreak that began at one of their locations outside of Pittsburgh, PA. Chi-Chi’s is still in operation in Belgium and Luxembourg. Chi-Chi’s also marketed a line of grocery foods (later purchased by Hormel) with an emphasis on salsa.
Birthdays and celebrations
Besides the food, Chi-Chi’s was also known for celebrating patrons’ birthdays with a special version of the Happy Birthday song (sung to the tune of the chorus of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” (“Glory, Glory, Halleluia”).) Chi-Chi’s version:
Happy, Happy, Happy birthday.
Happy, Happy, Happy birthday.
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday,
To You, To You, To You. Ole!

If a guest dined at Chi-Chi’s on their birthday they would be given a sombrero to wear while the staff sang this song to them and presented them with one serving of Mexican fried ice cream. 
Chi-Chi’s Mexican Fried Ice Cream
Fried ice cream is made in a variety of ways. Some of them actually involve deep frying frozen solid ice cream. Other recipes just apply a coating to give it a fried texture, as does this recipe. This recipe is taken straight from a book called Top Secret Restaurant Recipes: Creating Kitchen Clones from America’s Favorite Restaurant Chains written by Todd Wilbur.  If you like trying to imitate restaurant recipes at home go buy his book.
½ cup vegetable oil
2 flour tortillas, 6 inch each
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tbs. sugar
¼ cup cornflake crumbs
2 large scoops vanilla ice cream
whipped cream in a can
2 maraschino cherries with stems
optional toppings: honey, chocolate syrup, strawberries (...)
Food Timeline
Fried ice cream
While recipes for fried, coated dairy products are ancient, food historians tell us the concept of encasing fozen ice cream in a hot edible shell dates back (at least) to the 19th century. Think baked Alaska.
Fried ice cream does not appear in Mexican cookbooks, posssibly meaning it is not a “traditional” Mexican recipe. Most likely? It is a contemporary ethnic interpretation of Baked Alaska, a popular upscale hot/cold ice cream dessert developed in the last quarter of the 19th century. This dessert employed meringue as the insulating agent between hot and cold. References to fried ice cream begin to appear in the second half of the 20th century. The insulating agent is (All-American) corn flakes. Perhaps this dish is TexMex?
Helen Brown’s West Coast Cook Book [1952] contains a recipe for fried cream which discusses the concept of hot cream coated in cracker crumbs.
“Fried cream.
Gourmets who visit San Francisco enthuse about this dessert, which is to be found at a few of the best hotels and restaurants. It’s not ovent served at home, apparentlyy becuase most cooks don’t dare risk it, but it’s really very simplet ot make. It turns up in a San Diego cook book, under then name of “Bonfire Entre.” It was called that becuase the fried cream was cut in sticklike pieces and stacked up on individual plates like miniature and roofless log cabins. A couple of lumps of sugar, brandy-soaked, went into the center of each pile of “logs,” and matches graced the side of each plate.”
—-West Coast Cook Book, Helen Evans Brown [Cookbook Collectors Library reprint edition] (p. 66)
[NOTE: Recipe follows this description. It includes Jamaica rum.]
Some Japanese-American restaurants offer a similar dessert…ice cream tempura. Likewise, this is not a traditional Asian meal item. It is the product of saavy restauranteurs adjust menus seeking to meet to American expectations.   
30 August 1870, Port Jervis (NY) Evening Gazette, pg. 1, col. 5:
Peaches old and withered, served in soup dishes, fried ice cream, roast ice, boned eggs, some boned out of a barn, and many dainty dishes too numerous to mention, it was overwhelming, the band were unable to express their gratitude, they leaned upon their instruments and wept.
8 April 1894, New York (NY) Times, pg. 18:
It Sounds Queer, but It Tastes Very Good.
A Philadelphia firm makes a specialty of fried ice cream, which is pronounced delicious by all who taste it. A small, solid cake of the cream is enveloped in a thin sheet of pie crust, and then dipped in boiling lard or butter long enough to cook the outside to a crisp. Served immediately, the ice cream is found to be as solidly frozen as when it was first prepared. The process of frying is so quickly accomplished and the pastry is so good a protector that the heat has no chance to reach the frozen cream.
Baked ice cream which has a meringue top is another caprice of cooks that is toothsome, though this tampering with a delicacy that is perfection when it is in its perfected, normal condition seems unnecessary. Good ice cream is as good as can be.
21 April 1894, New Haven (CT) Evening Register, pg. 2:
Fried Ice Cream.
Fried ice cream has become very popular in Philadelphia. A small, solid cake of ice cream, says the “Record,” is enveloped in a thin sheet of pie crust, and then dipped in boiling lard or butter long enough to cook the outside covering to a crisp. If served immediately the ice cream is found to be as solidly frozen as when it was first prepared. The process of frying is so quickly accomplished and the pastry is so good a protector that the heat has no chance to reach the frozen cream. Another novelty is baked ice cream, which has a meringue top.
30 April 1894, New Haven (CT) Evening Register, pg. 4 ad:
At FERRY’S Bakery and Cafe,
9 February 1934, Port Arthur (TX) News, pg. 13, col. 5:
Mrs. Isabelle Raymond, 1012 Fifth, who made vacation money selling fried ice cream and onions;... 
19 September 1939, Portsmouth (NH) Herald, pg. 6, col. 4:
Fried ice cream became a reality at the Chicago World’s Fair in the Gay Nineties. It was dipped into thin batter. doused into hot fat that cooked the batter before the cream melted.
3 June 1949, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Ice Cream’s No Trick to French Fry,” section 1, pg. 1:
PORTLAND, Ore., June 2 (AP)—French-fired ice cream is about to become the latest in the novelty foods.
John J. Trullinger, director of the Oregon Frozen Food Locker Association, told the Oregon Advertising Club it just goes to show that most anything is possible.
Harold C. Howell and Kenneth Appleby, who plan to French-fry the ice cream, said Thursday it was simple: Cut ice cream into bars, put a cake dough around it, dip it quickly into very hot fat and there you are.
16 August 1951, Cumberland (MD) Evening Times, pg. 24, col. 3:
Ice cream deep fried at 400 degrees temperature. Exclusive franchised territory now available for Maryland and surrounding country. 
25 March 1961, Nashua (NH) Telegraph, “Edson in Washington” by Peter Edson, pg. 6, col. 5:
Of all the strange things you eat in Japan, from seaweed to fried ice cream, the darndest is probably fried honey bees, in the comb.
About this fried ice cream. You get it in the tempura restaurants, where they fry your food in sesame seed deep fat, right in front of you, a bit at a time.
The scoop of frozen ice cream is brought in quick. It is dipped in batter, which provides a kind of insulating layer. Then the whole thing is plopped into the deep fat and fried like a doughnut for less than a minute. You pick up this fried snowball with chopsticks and nibble away at it.
11 October 1962, Dallas (TX) Morning News, section 5, pg. 12:
Bird’s nest soup…moon cakes…Peking duck…fried ice cream…Rising Sun sundaes…scorched egg plant…Duette Dew…long-life noodles…Bao…Bhindi and sharks fin soup are a few of the delicacies diners will sample in the Neiman-Marcus Zodiac Room during the Far Eastern Fortnight, Oct. 14-27.
8 March 1964, Abilene (TX Reporter-News, “World’s Fair Food Job For Pint-Sized Dynamo,” pg.34?, cols. 1-3:
NEW YORK—The man-sized job of planning the food for the World of Food Pavilion at the next World’s Fair is in the hands of a woman who fits into a size 7 dress. Sylvia Schur, a veteran in the world of food, is that woman.
Fried ice cream will not be as much a curiosity in 1964 as iced tea was in 1904. French fried ice cream is but one of the foods Mrs. Schur has developed for the fair. A ball of hard ice cream on a stick is dipped into a batter and fried quickly for a crisp flaky coating.
22 May 1964, Bridgeport (TC) Telegram, pg. 22, col. 4:
Anthony Amoroso, owner of the Stratford Center restaurant is getting ready to launch something that is described by those who have had it as “fantastic.” It is a Connecticut product, was shown on the Johnny Carson TV show about three months ago and was pictured in Life magazine. It is “French Fried Ice Cream” and is unbelievable until you have had it.
21 July 1964, Uniontown (PA) Morning Herald, pg. 4, col. 3:
In Japan, tempura restaurants serve fried ice cream made by dipping frozen scoops in batter and frying them quickly in deep fat.
6 July 1966, Oakland (CA) Tribune, pg. 15A, cols 6-7:
At the same interesting demonstration I met another guest who had recently been to Japan where the rage at food stands is fried ice cream. Below is the recipe she gave me. It would be fun for the party and could start quite a trend among teenagers, too.
Make ice-cream balls with vanilla ice cream. Stick a chopstick in each ,wrap in an air-tight packet and put in the deep freezer. One way would be to prepare a carton, line it with waxed paper, lay the ice-cream balls with chopsticks in neat rows, and then put the whole box in the freezer.
For serving, make the tempura batter, less the salt, given in the “At-the-Table Cookbook” or follow a Japanese recipe you may have for it, omitting the salt. When the ice cream is solidly frozen, dip the balls one at a time in the batter and fry in 370 degree vegetable oil. Serve with the chopstick stuck through a protective napkin.
1 December 1966, Pacific Stars & Stripes, pg. 11, col. 1:
One place not to miss in Kyoto is the rustic Karafune restaurant (in the Gion district), which features tasty Japanese dishes—and fried ice cream. Every time the novelty of the house is ordered, the chef proudly announces for all to hear: “Fried ice cream-u!”
22 April 1967, Winnipeg (Manitoba) Free Press, “Fried Ice Cream Whips Up Evening With The Geishas” by Jerry Hulse, pg. 63:
KYOTO, Japan (Special-TPNS)—Somehow I never figured I’d get around to eating fried ice cream.
It’s what they served for dessert the other night when we decided to have tempura. That’s bits of fish and lobster and shrimp deep fried in boiling oils. There was also seaweed, bamboo shoots, ginger and ginko nuts, h=jellyfish, shell ligament, eel and goby.
That sort of thing fried was delicious. But when the cook dipped a scoop of vanilla ice cream into the batter and then into the boiling oils, well—we thought maybe the best had gotten him. The whole thing came out looking like a baseball—warm and crusty outside, cold inside.
We learned later the chef hadn’t suddenly gone mad; he just enjoys frying ice cream. Moreover, the customers enjoy these warmed over snowballs.
The place is called Karafune and it’s in the Kyoto Gion area, which in turn is surrounded by more than 200 geisha houses strung along narrow alleys with a thousand paper lanterns turned on outside.
3 July 1972, New York (NY) Times, “In Cape May, the Summer Stroller May Shop and Snack, Away From Traffic” by Fred Ferretti, pg. 6:
There are gimmicky shops featuring things such as french-fried ice cream (vanilla, frozen, dipped in batter, rolled in crushed corn flake crumbs, then fried to order);...
19 August 1972, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Fried Ice Cream New,” section C, pg. 3:
The baked Alaska with which President Nixon surprised his Russian hosts in Moscow wasn’t the only hot ice cream around. The Dairy Research Digest, a trade publication, says a patent is pending on french fried ice cream.
Scoops of almost any flavor are treated to resist heat before they’re fried for 15 to 20 seconds in coconut oil heated to 360 degrees. The confection reportedly emerges steaming but is edible almost immediately.
18 February 1973, Fort Pierce (FL) News Tribune Souvenir Edition, pg. 42, col. 2:
...Hunt French Fried Ice Cream… 
27 December 1974, Pasadena (CA) Star-News, pg. B4, col. 6:
The Chronicle’s famous pastry cart will be presented or you may choose the specialty—Fried Ice Cream.
12 February 1976, Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, TX), pg. A8, col. 6 ad:
(Ramada Inn—ed.)
29 October 1976, Middletown (NY) Times Herald Record, pg. 62, col. 4 ad:
French fried ice cream with saboyan.
(Happy Vineyard Restaurant, Wurtsboro, NY—ed.)
16 January 1977, New York (NY) Times, travel section, letters, “Fried Ice Cream,” pg. 319:
We found Robert W. Stock’s article about Little Dix Bay, “Perfection—At a Price??” (Travel Section, Dec. 26) most interesting. We have been to both resorts several times. The first time we went to Caneel Bay was in 1960. The off-season rate then was $28 a day for two with three meals. We still have the bill. Have you ever tried Deep-Fried Ice Cream? The chef gave me this recipe:
Form ice cream into snowballs, return to freezer. Just before dessert is to be served, dip the ice cream in beer batter then immerse in preheated cooking oil, just a few minutes, turning occasionally.
They are delicious and crisp on the outside and still frozen on the inside.
The recipe for the beer batter: equal amounts of beer and flour, depending on how many you plan to serve. Warning: Be prepared to do a cleaning job on the top of the stove. The hot oil spatters when the ice cream is first immersed.
Brick Town, N.J.
6 February 1977, New York (NY) Times, letters, pg. XX29:
In the letters column (Travel Section, Jan. 16) Mrs. Harry M. (sic) MacCall Jr. asks, “Have you ever tried deep-fried ice cream?
The answer is “Yes.” In Tokyo in 1968 we had this delicious concoction and it was called ice cream tempura. A beer batter was not used; just an ordinary tempura batter but it was prepared in the same way as Mrs. MacCall’s.
[Craig Claiborne, The Times food editor, comments: I have never made fried ice cream, but I have eaten it, in Japan, and I thought it was terrible. It tasted like fried fish—the chefs fried it in the same fat in which they had fried fish.]
2 August 1981, New York (NY) Times, “Fried Ice Cream,” letters, pg. XX24:
The letter from Donald M. Kirschenbaum (Travel Section, July 5) mentioned a dessert he had in Tokyo—ice cream tempura, “a big ball of batter-dipped ice cream which was quickly deep-fat fried.”
I thought he and the subsequent letter-writers might like to know that there is a recipe for fried Mexican ice cream in “The Los Angeles Times Californian Cookbook,” which will be published by Harry N. Abrams of New York in September.
Since I am the editor of the book, I am able to enclose a copy of the recipe so that your globe-trotting readers will be able to enjoy it right in their own backyards.
Here it is:
1 pint vanilla or other flavor ice cream
1/2 cup crushed cornflakes or cookies crumbs
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons sugar
1 egg
Oil for deep frying
Whipped cream

Scoop out 4 or 5 balls of ice cream. Return to freezer. Mix in cornflake crumbs, cinnamon and sugar. Roll frozen ice cream balls in half the crumb mixture and freeze again. Beat egg and dip coated balls in egg, then roll again in remaining crumbs. Freeze until ready to use. When ready to serve, heat deep oil to 350 degrees. Place a frozen ice cream ball in fryer basket or on a perforated spoon and lower into hot oil 1 minute. Immediately remove and place in dessert compote. Drizzle with honey and top with a dollop of whipped cream. Continue to fry balls one at a time. Balls will be crunchy on the outside and just beginning to melt inside.
Makes 4 or 5 servings.
New York
The reader who wrote mouthwateringly of batter-dipped Japanese ice cream “tempura” should not have to travel so far to enjoy such a delectation again.
We’re still raving about a similar concoction we discovered in Scottsdale, Ariz., at Guadala-Harry’s Mexican Restaurant. It is called simply “fried ice-cream.”
6 September 1981, New York (NY) Times, pg. NJ35:
Deep-fried ice cream is an amusing idea: A ball of ice cream rolled in coconut inside a sort of beignet is fried for an instant to have a crisp crust and still-frozen center. Unfortunately, when we sampled it, the ice cream was melted, the crust soggy and the chocolate sauce overly sweet.
(Hyde Park restaurant in Fort Lee, NJ—ed.)
23 March 1982, Waterloo (Iowa) Courier, pg. B2, col. 4 ad:
Mexican Fried Ice Cream
(Mexican Village—ed.)
7 August 1982, Chicago (IL) Daily Herald, Chicago Fest, section 1, pg. 11, col. 6:
Aunt Arctic’s deep fried ice cream. This is new to the fest, but already is a hit. A large scoop of vanilla ice cream is dipped in a crunchy, cinnamon-flavored coating, then quickly deep fried. Covered with just the right amount of honey and a dollop of whipped cream, this dessert has to be at least a million calories and it’s worth every one. It costs $1.75.
10 September 1982, Chicago (IL) Daily Herald, section 4, pg. 7, col. 4:
If you want a sweet dessert—one that we found too sweet—try the fried ice cream ($1.95). It’s a scoop of vanilla ice cream coated with cereal flakes, deep fried, then drizzled with honey and capped with whipped cream.
(Garcia’s of Scottsdale in Northbrook, IL—ed.)
17 March 1983, Chicago (IL) Daily Herald, “Americans love Mexican” by Deborah Hartz, section 5, pg. 1, cols. 1-2:
At meal’s end, the Fried Ice Cream will satisfy even the orneriest sweet tooth. This recipe, like many others on this page, was developed by Olivia Garcia, who, with her husband Julio, founded the Garcia’s restaurant chain. What began in her Phoenix family kitchen in the 1950s has expanded to include 11 restaurants nationwide.
Garcia’s Fried Ice Cream
1 1/2 quarts vanilla ice cream, softened
1 12-ounce box of unsugared cereal flakes, crushed fine
4 ounces brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
6 whole eggs, beaten
Whipped cream
Form the ice cream into 12 balls each the size of a tennis ball. Mix the cereal, brown sugar and cinnamon. Dip the ice cream balls into the egg then coat with the crumbs. Place the balls on a cookie sheet and freeze 2 hours until solid.
Heat 4 inches of fat in a deep fryer to 125 degrees. Fry each ice cream ball for 2 seconds. (Instead of deep frying, ice cream balls may be baked for 60 seconds in a microwave oven.) Quickly drain the balls on a paper towel or in a strainer before placing each in a stemmed glass. Top with honey and whipped cream, garnish with strawberries. Serves 8 to 10.
8 September 1983, Indiana (PA) Gazette, pg. 14, col. 2 ad:
Magical Fried Ice Cream
(T. I. Wanna Mexican Restaurant & Cantina—ed.)
22 May 1983, New York (NY) Times, “Near Playland, ‘Tex-Mex’ Dishes” by M. H. Reed, pg. WC29:
For dessert, of particular interest were fried ice cream, a large scoop rolled in sugared crumbs, quickly fried and topped with whipped cream;...
(Alamo restaurant in Rye, NY, near Rye Playland—ed.)
28 September 1986, New York (NY) Times, “Westport for Conn-Mex” by Patricia Brooks, pg. CN29:
There are three desserts, flan, fried ice cream, and mud pie, all of which were excessively sweet and festooned with gobs of cannister-whipped cream.
(La Sierra in Westport, CT—ed.)
1 November 1987, New York (NY) Times, “Mexican, With All the Trimming” by Patricia Brooks, pg. CN37:
On the plus side of the ledger were two desserts, a satiny, custardy flan al caramelo and fried ice cream, which was delicious. The vanilla ice cream, dipped in, of all things, finely crushed corn flakes, was edged in crusty, toasted perfection.
(Pancho’s and Gringo’s in Brookfield, CT—ed.)
21 June 1989, Mountain Democrat (Placerville, CA), “Around the world with Mexican fried ice cream,” pg. B6, cols. 1-2:
Mexican Fried Ice Cream is one of those dishes that seems to have sprung out of nowhere. When or where it originated is a mystery. But for those who have tried it, one thing is for sure—it’s delicious.
With its hot crunchy coating and cool ice cream center, even the most skeptical of guests will be surprised with its myriad of flavors, textures and temperatures.
The key to perfect Mexican Fried Ice Cream is ensuring that the ice cream is frozen solid. That way, when it is deep fried, it does not melt.
Serves 8
16 scoops vanilla ice cream
2 c finely crushed graham crackers or vanilla wafers
1.2 t cinnamon
2 eggs
2 T milk
Oil for deep frying

1 c fresh lemon or lime juice
1 c sugar
1 T lemon zest

To prepare citrus sauce: In small saucepan, combine lemon juice, sugar and lemon zest. Stir over medium heat until mixture comes to boil. Over low heat, simmer until slightly thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Cool until lukewarm. Refrigerate until needed.
To prepare fried ice cream: Cover ice cream scoops with plastic wrap and freeze for 2 hours or until firm. In small bowl, combine graham cracker or vanilla wafer crumbs with cinnamon. Mix well. Quickly roll firm ice cream balls one at a time in crumb mixture.
Freeze balls on baking sheet lined with wax for 2 more hours or until firm. In small bowl, beat eggs and milk. Quickly re-roll coated balls in egg mixture then in crumb mix. Put balls back on lined baking sheet and freeze balls for an additional 2 hours or until firm.
Pour oil 3 inches deep in a deep fryer or heavy duty saucepan. Heat oil to 375 degrees F. Use a slotted spoon to place one ice cream ball at a time into hot oil. Fry until coating begins to brown, 8 to 10 seconds on each side. Serve immediately with lemon sauce.
7 January 1996, New York (NY) Times, “Houston” by Sam Howe Verhovek, pg. XX10:
In a city full of great Mexican restaurants, the original Ninfa’s in Houston’s barrio, 2704 Navigation Boulevard, (713) 228-1175, remains the real thing. (...) A popular dessert is the fried ice cream, $3.99.
Goods and Services (ABANDONED) IC 030. US 046. G & S: prepared dessert for consumption on or off the premises. FIRST USE: 19760900. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19760900
Mark Drawing Code (1) TYPED DRAWING
Serial Number 75554441
Filing Date September 17, 1998
Current Filing Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1A
Owner (APPLICANT) Chi-Chi’s, Inc. CORPORATION DELAWARE 2701 Alton Avenue Irvine CALIFORNIA 92606
Attorney of Record Corrine M. Freeman
Type of Mark TRADEMARK
Live/Dead Indicator DEAD
Abandonment Date July 28, 1999
Goods and Services IC 030. US 046. G & S: Frozen desserts, namely, coated ice cream. FIRST USE: 20060328. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20060328
Design Search Code 05.01.03 - Palm trees
05.03.08 - More than one leaf, including scattered leaves, bunches of leaves not attached to branches
07.01.04 - Detached house
08.09.04 - Other forms of ice cream, sherbet and frozen yogurt
11.03.10 - Paper plates, full; Plates, dinnerware, full
Serial Number 78777039
Filing Date December 20, 2005
Current Filing Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Published for Opposition October 31, 2006
Owner (APPLICANT) Southern Fried Ice Cream, LLC LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION FLORIDA 7975 West Grover Cleveland Boulevard Homosassa FLORIDA 34446
Attorney of Record James C. Wray
Description of Mark The colors brown, purple, white, grey, green and peach are claimed as a feature of the mark. The color brown appears in SOUTHERN FRIED, the dish, speckles and topping on the product and lines on the house and trees. The color purple appears in the words ICE CREAM. The color white appears on the house, trees and in the swirls on the dish. The color grey appears on the trees, house and porch, and on speckles on the product. The color green appears on the leaves on the plate. The color peach appears on the house, topping, speckles, trees and swirls.
Type of Mark TRADEMARK
Live/Dead Indicator LIVE