Freedumb (freedom + dumb)

“Freedumb” (freedom + dumb) is a jocular spelling that has become popular, with several meanings. It can mean that people people who allegedly fight for freedom (“freedumb fighters”) are not smart.
A popular meaning of “Freedumb” is that of fake, illusory, dumbed-down “freedom.” “If you think you are free, you must be dumb. It should be spelled, Freedumb” was cited in a 2014 book.
“Freedom or FreeDumb?” was cited in print in 1932, but the spelling became popular in the 1990s.
Google News Archive
23 July 1932, Schenectady (NY) Gazette, “News and Notes from Field of Church Work,” pg. 9, col. 5:
Roy Black will lead the young people’s meeting at o’clock on the subject “Freedom or FreeDumb?”
Google Books
The Letters of Ezra Pound 1907-1941
Edited by D. D. Paige
London: Faber and Faber
Pg. 265:
And we allus were having such a nice quiet revolution (continual); all but the local hill-habitators who are all out and bigod they won’t have any more cow if they ain’t got freedumb to leave tubercules in the milk.
19 March 1965, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Fowler Fare” by Wick Fowler, sec. 1, pg. 5, col. 2:
It is hoped that University of California rebels will soon get off that “freedumb of speech” kick and try for better grades and spelling.
OCLC WorldCat record
Author: Suicidal Tendencies (groupe)
Publisher: S.l. : XIII bis records, 1999.
Edition/Format:   Music CD : CD audio : Rock music : English
OCLC WorldCat record
Freedumb fighter : the 2004 freedumb fighter cartoonista calendar
Author: Lalo Alcaraz
Publisher: ELA, CA :, ©2004.
Edition/Format:   Book : English
Urban Dictionary
That the dumb should remain free. A corrupted view of freedom based in mass ignorance of what real freedom requires.
The distorted view of the majority population in the United States, who believe that it is not necessary to be intelligent and informed in order to remain free. The concept that unchecked politicians and Multi-National Corporations and NGO’s will protect individual civil liberties and not impose various forms of slavery on their subjects. Not knowing the difference between freedom, and fascism is a common trait of lovers of freedumb.
by Jeremy Glasser January 30, 2007
Google Groups:
Werd of the day: FREEDUMB
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Our new werd of the day is FREEDUMB.
Freedumb is spelled in its classical sense as freedom by government bullies.  “Freedom” is accepted as a factual substitute for freedumb by lemmings that have become brain dead from watching the boob-tube.
Stop participating
written by Unity , June 06, 2012
We are not free, this is why it is called freeDUMB.
Urban Dictionary
Being too dumb to realize you aren’t really free.
1. With tears of freedumb in his eyes, Bill made out a property tax check to rent his own house from the government.
2. Working a third of his life for people calling themselves government gave Bill a strong sense of freedumb.
3. The George W. Presidential Library is the main nerve of Freedumb Studies in the United States.

by Mayor Assface December 06, 2013
You think troops protect your freedumb?......
December 28, 2013 at 9:53am
Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So
Sunday, 07 August 2011 16:11 Jesse Richard
Let’s make one thing crystal clear, no member of the US military contributes in any way whatsoever to protecting the freedoms of the American people. As a matter of fact, they are more likely to turn their weapons on you than they are to defend your unalienable rights.
Google Books
Freedumb and Religion:
A perspective from an Armed Services Veteran

By Ray G. Riojas
Published by Ray G. Riojas
Pg. ?:
One of my fellow soldiers said to me, “If you think you are free, you must be dumb. It should be spelled, Freedumb.” If you are offended by this, please open your eyes and ears. Pay attention to what is happening in this country.