Fort Worth Startlegram (Fort Worth Star-Telegram nickname)

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper began in 1906 with the Forth Worth Star, founded by Amon G. Carter. In 1909, it combined with the Fort Worth Telegram to form the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
The newspaper’s nickname is Startlegram (or Startle-Gram) and it’s innocent enough to be used by some of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram employees themselves.
Wikipedia: Fort Worth Star-Telegram
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is a major U.S. daily newspaper serving Fort Worth and the western half of the North Texas area known as the Metroplex. Its area of domination is checked by its main rival, The Dallas Morning News, which is published from the eastern half of the Metroplex. It is owned by The McClatchy Company.
In May 1905, Amon G. Carter accepted a job as an advertising space salesman in Fort Worth. A few months later, he agreed to help finance and run a new newspaper in town. The Fort Worth Star printed its first newspaper on February 1, 1906, with Carter as the advertising manager.
The Star lost money, and was in danger of going bankrupt when Carter had an audacious idea: raise additional money and purchase his newspaper’s main competition, the Fort Worth Telegram. In November 1908, the Star purchased the Telegram for $100,000, and the two newspapers combined on January 1, 1909 into the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
From 1923 until after World War II, the Star-Telegram was distributed over one of the largest circulation areas of any newspaper in the South, serving not just Fort Worth but also West Texas, New Mexico and western Oklahoma. The newspaper created WBAP in 1922 and Texas’ first television station, WBAP-TV, in 1948.
After owning the Star-Telegram for more than six decades, the Carter family sold it in 1974 to Capital Cities Communications, which later purchased the ABC television network. The Walt Disney Company acquired Capital Cities/ABC in 1996; it sold the Star-Telegram and its other newspaper holdings to the Knight Ridder newspaper chain in 1997. McClatchy became the Star-Telegram’s fifth owner when it purchased Knight Ridder in June 2006
8 May 1991, Fort Worth (TX) Star-Telegram, pg. 1:
I’d give examples but they’d never get past the Startlegram copy editors.
Google Groups:
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Mike Godwin)
Date: 19 Nov 91 15:14:42 GMT
Local: Tues, Nov 19 1991 11:14 am
Subject: Re: Common carrier and message bases
>  I am working on a column about free speech on StarText, an electronic
>newspaper offered by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.  They recently stopped
>offering a “letters to the editor” style feature, and part of the reason
>was the fear of liability for the messages that people posted on it.  I
>would like to know if the EFF has any information on this and related
>“common carrier” issues, and I would love to be able to offer StarText a
>better perspective of the legality of offering subscriber comments online.
I’m not sure why the Startlegram is worried about this.
Google Groups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Chris Bellomy)
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1993 03:57:07 GMT
Local: Wed, Oct 6 1993 11:57 pm
Subject: Re: FW Star-Telegram - Nov. 1963
Yikes!  I should have known better than to trot out the FWST.  (Or as we call it here in FW, the Startle Gram.)
Google Groups:
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (William Lee)
Date: 8 Oct 93 21:03:12 GMT
Local: Fri, Oct 8 1993 5:03 pm
Subject: Re: Red Sox Trade ...
I’ve been to Boston and several other big cities. I’ve lived in 3 major markets (albany not being one of them, obviously. But nowhere that I’ve ever been can compare their sports coverage
with the Dallas/Ft. Worth media.  The Morning News and the Startlegram are both real good all-around sports papers.
Google Groups: alt.journalism
Newsgroups: alt.journalism
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Charles Stough)
Date: 14 Jun 1994 06:53:25 GMT
Local: Tues, Jun 14 1994 2:53 am
Subject: E-BONG Bull: Excerpt and Mailserver
(Our congratulations to Mollie Ivins of the Fort Worth Startlegram and Jim Gallagher and Mike Royko of the Chi Trib.)
Poynter Online: Newspaper Nicknames
Cowtown’s own paper
Posted by Helen Graves 10/28/2003 8:31:31 PM
New Yorker now - but grew up in Fort Worth, where the Star-Telegram is affectionately (usually) known as the “Startle-gram.” Not as good as some nicknames, I know—but I don’t know anyone in the city who doesn’t say it! 
Google Books

Behind the Prize for Public Service Journalism
by Roy J. Harris
Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press
Pg. 308:
Having covered aircraft accidents before for the “Startle-Gram,” as staffers called the then-Capital Cities publication (it is now owned by McClatchy,) he was familiar with the pilot-error explanation.