Fort Surrender (66th Police Precinct, Borough Park nickname)

The 66th Police Precinct, located in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, has been nicknamed “Fort Surrender” since 1978 because the police are said to have a close relationship (and supposedly “surrender”) to the community’s many orthodox Jews. On December 2, 1978, after a rabbi had been murdered, angry Hasidim stormed the 66th Precinct, destroying property and injuring 60 police officers. No one was arrested. Patrol officers created a “Fort Surrender” T-shirt.
“Favors at Fort Surrender: New Twist in History of Police and Borough Park” by Jim Dwyer was published in the New York (NY) Times on June 21, 2016.
Precincts | 66th Precinct
Captain Kenneth M. Quick
5822 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11204-2111
(718) 851-5611
The 66th Precinct is located in the Boro Park section of Brooklyn including Midwood and Kensington. The Precinct is divided between residential and commercial areas. The largest segment of the population consists of many Hassidic and Orthodox Jewish Communities. The 66 Precinct is unique in that is has over 300 religious institutions comprised mostly of Hassidic and Orthodox Synagogues and Yeshivas.
Google Groups:
I need some help with New York Police Department CB codes…
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Sorry to bother everyone, but I would like to know if “Officer down” is Code 10-13.
Also, what are the designations of RMP units, or patrol cars?
Finally, is the 66th Precinct known as “Fort Surrender”?
New York (NY) Post
By Philip Messing August 20, 2005 | 4:00am
An elderly civil engineer and orthodox Jew says he was viciously assaulted and robbed of his digital camera by a Hasidic man while taking photos in Borough Park – but alleges cops gave his attacker special treatment by refusing to press robbery charges against him.
The 66th Precinct is known throughout the NYPD as “Fort Surrender” after Hasids stormed the station house and injured scores of cops in 1978 to protest the stabbing death of a Hasid.
New York (NY) Post
By John Doyle April 6, 2006 | 4:00am
The NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed cop stood outside a Brooklyn station house screaming, “Get the f- – -ing Jews out of here! I want heads rolling!” a city councilman charged yesterday.
The situation is emblematic of long-standing tensions between police and the ultra-religious Jews who live in the neighborhood. The most memorable clash occurred in 1978, when angry Hasidim stormed the 66th Precinct and trashed the place, driving police out and forever branding the station as “Fort Surrender.”
Google Groups: VOS IZ NEIAS 4 U
[VOS IZ NEIAS] Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - Cops And Hasidim Have A Checkered History
Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - The relationship between the Hasidim of Borough Park and the police who serve them at times seems bipolar. 
The 66th Precinct that serves the community is jokingly referred to as “Fort Surrender” among veteran cops, implying politically connected Chasidim can call in a favor anytime one of their own gets into trouble.  Residents, on the other hand, have occasionally accused the precinct of overly aggressive tactics.
APRIL 02, 2013
Video: Thousands Of Haredim Attack Police, Storm Precinct
Saturday morning December 2, 1978, 3,000 haredim, enraged that an elderly rabbi had been murdered Friday night, rioted in Borough Park, Brooklyn. They fought with police, stormed the 66th Police Precinct and ransacked it. Here’s video: ...
New York (NY) Times
Favors at Fort Surrender: New Twist in History of Police and Borough Park
About New York

By JIM DWYER JUNE 21, 2016
Generations of Brooklyn commanders, particularly in the precincts serving Borough Park and Crown Heights, have made or broken their careers by doing the right favors.
One night in December 1978, hundreds of Hasidic protesters swarmed into the 66th Precinct station house in Borough Park, destroyed a Teletype machine, flung thousands of files onto the floor and got into a pitched battle with police reinforcements summoned by the four officers who were overwhelmed by the mob.
In the end, 60 police officers were injured. No one was arrested.
A T-shirt was created by patrol officers with a new nickname for the precinct: Fort Surrender.