Forest City

"Forest City" was an early Cleveland nickname. It is seldom used today (if at all).

5 March 1851, Ohio Repository (Canton, Ohio), pg. 2?, col. 2:
The Queen City and the Forest City - objects alike of our admiration & regard - "twin stars of the State," hitherto widely separated, now join in mutual greetings, and together enter upon a new path of prosperity.

The Ohio Railroad Guide: illustrated and descriptive

Pg. 43:
We are now about to start for Cleveland. The Queen City is behind us. The Forest City is before us.

Pg. 127:
CLEVELAND - the Forest City - is now before us, at the mouth of the Cuyahoga, on the shore of beautiful Lake Erie, and is, perhaps, the handsomest town in America. (...) How it was called "Forest City," we know not, though a friend who sometimes figures in the newspapers over the signature of "OTSEGO,"
claimed to have baptized it. Its best streets are lined with lofty trees, giving it the rural and pleasant air which reminds us of a city in the forest.

January 1852, The Ladies' Repository, pg. 16:
THERE seems to be, of late, much competition among the cities for favorite epithets. No less than three - Cleveland on the Lake, Middletown on the Connecticut, and Portland on the Atlantic - are aspiring to be called the "Forest City." How they will settle the question among them is uncertain. I believe, however, New Haven alone claims to be by pre-eminence the "City of Elms." I had often heard of the beauty of New Haven, of the magnifluence of her grand old elms, of her neat and tidy streets, of the comfort and elegance of her homes, and of the fame of her ancient college.