“For the love of Mike”

Entry in progress—B.P.
“For the love of Pete” (“for Pete’s sake”) is a similar saying.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
love, n.
colloq. for the love of Mike [probably showing euphemistic substitution of the male forename Mike (compare MIKE n.4) for God]: an exclamation of exasperation or surprise; ‘for goodness’ sake!’
1901 S. CRANE in Home Mag. N.Y. Jan. 77/2 ‘For the love of Mike, madam, what ails you?’ he spluttered.
1909 Syracuse (N.Y.) Herald (Electronic text) 21 Dec., For the love of Mike, man, haven’t you got a heart?
1922 J. JOYCE Ulysses III. 727 O move over your big carcass out of that for the love of Mike listen to him.
1925 T. DREISER Amer. Trag. (1926) I. I. ix. 57 For de love o’ Mike, will you listen to dat, now.
1934 J. BROPHY Waterfront i. 14 For the love of mike..shut those blasted windows.
1941 Penguin New Writing 8 91 Well, for the luvva Mike!
Google Books
Dick: a story for boys and girls
By Anna Chapin Ray
New York, NY; Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
Pg. 207:
“Oh, for the love of Mike!”
Google Books
The Cambric Mask: a romance
By Robert William Chambers
New York, NY: Frederick A. Stokes Company
Pg. 141:
“Give me food, for the love of Mike!”