“Food makers really missed an opportunity not calling vegetarian meatballs ‘Vegtaballs’”

“What’s the point in calling vegetarian meatballs meatballs…” was posted on Twitter by “M” on February 26, 2012. Why call it a “meatball” is it doesn’t contain meat?
“House mate says: ‘what do you call vegetarian meatballs - vegta balls’ what da fuq!”—“vegta balls” sounds like “vegetables”—was posted on Twitter by ₭₳ɆɎł  on October 8, 2012. “Why don’t people call vegetarian meatballs ‘vegetaballs’?” was posted on Twitter by Scott Anderson on August 18, 2015. “Food makers really missed an opportunity not calling vegetarian meatballs ‘Vegtaballs’” was posted on Reddit—Showerthoughts on March 15, 2019.
@Bailey0xhedley what’s the point in calling vegetarian meatballs meatballs…
11:24 PM - 26 Feb 2012
₭₳ɆɎł  🖤
House mate says: “what do you call vegetarian meatballs - vegta balls” what da fuq!
2:10 PM - 8 Oct 2012
Scott Anderson
Why don’t people call vegetarian meatballs “vegetaballs”?
9:04 PM - 18 Aug 2015
Kieran Janene
Student: What do you call vegetarian meatballs?
Me: What?
Student: Nutballs
7:38 PM - 5 Apr 2017
Jenny T
Why do we call #vegetarian #meatballs, #meatballs ? Shouldn’t they just be called #balls ? #MeatlessMonday
7:37 PM - 26 Feb 2018
Posted byu/NECESolarGuy March 15, 2019
Food makers really missed an opportunity not calling vegetarian meatballs “Vegtaballs”