“Flush twice—Houston needs the water” (Dallas saying)

Wasterwater from the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex flows downstream 250 miles in the Trinity River and into Lake Livingston, where the city of Houston gets its water. “Flush twice/often—Houston needs the water” is a popular Dallas joke, cited in print since at least 2002.
A February 2012 news story about the Texas drought popularized and explained the Dallas joke.
08-16-2002, 12:08 PM
One customer has a sign in each stall…
“Flush damnit, Houston needs the water”.
Corvette Forum
06-22-2005, 09:00 PM
What about Dallas? There used to be signs in the restrooms there that read “Flush twice, Houston needs the water.”
Google Groups: misc.transport.road
From: “The Chief Instigator”

Newsgroups: misc.transport.road
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2007 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: The extra chunk of New Mexico
You know what we say in Dallas: “Flush often…Houston needs the water.” 
Tollbooths = Robbery
Submitted by RecentCoin (not verified) on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 16:26.
Not only is there a flooding problem, there’s the problem of the Trinity River itself, which isn’t the cleanest thing around. Let’s just say that you see anything brown and floating in the river, don’t touch it. There’s been a long standing joke in Dallas, “Flush twice…Houston needs the water.” But we’re supposed to believe that people would want to sail on this and even swim in it.
Houston counting on North Texas wastewater for years to come
Posted on February 16, 2012 at 11:49 PM
Updated Friday, Feb 17 at 11:04 AM
“Flush twice - Houston needs the water. It used to be a joke. Now it’s more of a water strategy. The folks in Houston will say, ‘Yes, please do,’” said Glenn Clingenpeel, Senior Manager, with the Trinity River Authority’s Planning and Environmental Management Division.
It’s a little-known fact outside science circles, but a truth in Texas for decades.
Wastewater from the Metroplex flows downstream 250 miles in the Trinity River and into Lake Livingston, where Houston gets most of its water.
Flight Plan
Friday, February 17, 2012
Flush twice….Houston needs the water
That was the news headline today regarding the drought all across Texas.  Technically the Dallas area is no longer in a drought.
Texas Tall Tales & Lone Star Lore
Monday, February 20, 2012
Flush Twice - Houston Needs the Water
HOUSTON - Turn the tap or flush the toilet in North Texas, and every drop down the drain ends up at a sewage treatment plant like the large facility in West Dallas, operated by the Trinity River Authority.