Floriduh (Florida + duh)

“Floriduh” (Florida + duh) is an unflattering nickname that was popularized during the U. S. presidential election recount of 2000. The Boston (MA) Herald, on November 10, 2000, ran the front page headline:
Chaos reigns as recount drags on in Sunshine State
Fla. gap closes as elections dispute widens

“Floriduh” had been cited in print before—since at least March 1998. The term became so popular to describe the wackiness of Florida that the Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) began a column in 2009 titled “FloriDUH: Weird, wacky, strange news from the Sunshine State.”
Wikipedia: Florida election recount
The Florida election recount of 2000 was a period of vote re-counting that occurred following the unclear results of the 2000 United States presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, specifically the Florida results. The election was ultimately settled in favor of George W. Bush when the U.S. Supreme Court, with its final ruling on Bush v. Gore, stopped a recount that had been proposed by the all Democrat Florida Supreme Court, which had the effect of awarding Bush a majority of votes in the Electoral College.
Google Groups: comp.software.year-2000
Floriduh!! LOL LOL
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The House Governmental Operations Committee unanimously approved a bill (CS-HB 3619) to let the governor reassign resources to agencies where a computer failure is predicted because of the problem. House analysts estimated doing so could involve spending $20 million in the next fiscal year.
Highbeam Business
Floriduh!; Chaos reigns as recount drags on in Sunshine State; Fla. gap closes as elections dispute widens.(News)
Article from: The Boston Herald | November 10, 2000 | Battenfeld, Joe; Miga, Andrew
The bitterly disputed presidential election careened into more chaos and confusion yesterday as Florida put its recount on hold and an unofficial tally showed George W. Bush barely clinging to his White House victory.
Bush’s original 1,784-vote win in Florida over Gore closed to just 229 votes, with all but one of Florida’s 67 counties reporting, according to an unofficial recount tally by Associated Press.
11 November 2000, Palm Beach (FL) Post, “All eyes are on us and the laughs, too” by Frank Cerabino, pg. 9A:
In Boston, the front page headline has dubbed our state as “Floriduh!”
New York (NY) Times
Notes From Tallahassee; Two Strikes and You’re in Congress
By Diane Roberts
Published: September 18, 2002
Almost two years after the ‘‘FloriDUH’’ jokes and the offers from Fidel Castro to send election monitors, the Sunshine State still isn’t looking too bright. After a week of vote-counting chaos, the results of the Democratic primary will be certified today, with Bill McBride, a genial lawyer and political novice, beating former Attorney General Janet Reno for the nomination by about 4,800 votes. But this will not end the derision or convince anyone that Florida has overcome its chronic electoral ineptitude.
OCLC WorldCat record
States of Stupidity - THE MIAMI HERALD - Humorist Dave Barry explains why it’s called Floriduh.
Publisher: [Pleasantville, N.Y., etc., The Reader’s Digest Association]
Edition/Format: article
Article : English
Publication: The Reader’s digest. no. 980, (2003): 113
Database: ArticleFirst
Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) 
Weird, wacky, strange news from the Sunshine State
46 percent pay raise? Hey, where can we get one?

By Liz Doup
September 2, 2009 02:00 PM
The DUH is on us.
Urban Dictionary 
News worthy items that are so dumb they can only happen in Florida. Now known as Floriduh. Also popularized by the website http://www.thatsfloriduh.com
-Stripper Mobile back on the streets of Tampa. That’s Floriduh!
-Aligator shows up for breakfast. That’s Floriduh!
-Three women busted with drugs in drug court. That’s Floriduh!

by Victoree Apr 27, 2010
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