Flightilla (flight + flotilla)

The word “flightilla” (fly + flotilla)—also spelled “flytilla”—was popularized on July 6, 2011, following the failure of the “Freedom Flotilla II” to sail past Israel’s blockade and enter the Gaza Strip. The revised plan was to fly into Israel by July 8th and to enter Gaza from there.
The word “flightilla” had been used at least once earlier, in September 2008. A “flightilla,” it appears, need not be a fleet of warplanes (such as a “flotilla” being a fleet of warships), but rather describes the political intentions of numerous flight passengers.
Wikipedia: Flotilla
A flotilla (from Spanish, meaning a small flota (fleet) of ships, and this from French flotte), or naval flotilla, is a formation of small warships that may be part of a larger fleet. A flotilla is usually composed of a homogeneous group of the same class of warship, such as frigates, destroyers, torpedo boats, submarines, gunboats, or minesweepers. Groups of larger warships are usually called squadrons, but similar units of non-capital ships may be called squadrons in some places and times, and flotillas in others.
Wikipedia: Gaza flotilla raid
The Gaza flotilla raid also known as the flotilla incident of 31 May 2010, was a military operation by Israel against six ships of the “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” on 31 May 2010 in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The flotilla, organized by the Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İHH), was carrying humanitarian aid and construction materials, with the intention of breaking the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip.
Wikipedia: Freedom Flotilla II
“Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human” is a flotilla that planned to break the maritime blockade of the Gaza Strip by Israel by sailing towards the Gaza Strip on 5 July 2011. The blockade is in place according to Israel because Israel “is currently in a state of armed conflict with the terrorist organization Hamas, the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip.” The flotilla had been scheduled to sail towards the Gaza Strip on 5 July, but did not. By 7 July, all but a few dozen activists had returned home.
Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
flo·til·la noun \flō-ˈti-lə\
Definition of FLOTILLA
1: a fleet of ships or boats; especially : a navy organizational unit consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships
2: an indefinite large number “a flotilla of changes”
Origin of FLOTILLA
Spanish, diminutive of flota fleet, from Old French flote, from Old Norse floti; akin to Old English flota ship, fleet — more at float
First Known Use: 1711
Fri, September, 12, 2008 8:05pm
Pedalo in flight? This I gotta see. Must be a fishbox wi a paddlewheel prop!
What would be the proper name for a group of them? A flightilla?
Published 03:18 06.07.11
Latest update 03:18 06.07.11
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists planning to fly to Israel as counterpart to Gaza flotilla
Failed flotilla gives way to ‘flightilla’ taking off for Israel; activists expected to be turned away at Ben-Gurion.

By Anshel Pfeffer, Zohar Blumenkrantz, Barak Ravid, Eli Ashkenazi and Jack Khoury
The hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists who plan to try to enter Israel by air as a counterpart to the planned flotilla to the Gaza Strip won’t be allowed into the country, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said Tuesday.
Elder of Ziyon
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Israel preparing for the “flightilla”
From Israel Hayom:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich and Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino toured Ben Gurion International Airport Wednesday morning as part of preparations for the expected arrival of a pro-Palestinian aerial flotilla on Friday.
Following its intensive, and largely successful efforts to stop a flotilla of pro-Palestinian activists from breaking the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip, Israel is now actively working to thwart a provocative aerial flotilla - or “flightilla” - of hundreds of activists from across Europe who plan to land at Ben Gurion International airport on Friday.
Jerusalem Post
Report: 7 “flightilla” passengers removed from Paris flight
07/07/2011 20:36
Seven pro-Palestinian activists were removed from a plane departing Paris for Tel Aviv on Thursday, Israel Radio reported citing French sources. The passengers on a Hungarian Malev flight, were reportedly removed at the behest of Israeli authorities.
Jerusalem Post
Thirty-eight ‘Flightilla’ activists deported to Europe
07/11/2011 01:46
Remainder of pro-Palestinian activists being detained are expected to be put on flights in the near future.
Friday’s flights, dubbed the “Flightilla,” along with the protests, are part of the Welcome to Palestine initiative organized by 40 non-governmental groups.