Fleabay (eBay nickname)

eBay is an online auction site that was founded in 1995. One popular nickname for eBay has been “Fleabay” or “FleaBay” (flea market + eBay). The unflattering nickname compares eBay to a large flea market.
The term “fleabay” has been cited in print since at least 1998.
Wikipedia: eBay
eBay Inc. is an American Internet company that manages eBay.com, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide. Founded in 1995, eBay is one of the notable success stories of the dot-com bubble; it is now a multi-billion dollar business with operations localized in over thirty countries. eBay expanded from its original “set-time” auction format to include “Buy It Now” standard shopping; shopping by UPC, ISBN, or other kind of SKU (via Half.com); online classified advertisements (via Kijiji or eBay Classifieds); online event ticket trading (via StubHub); online money transfers (via PayPal) and other services.
Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
flea market noun
Definition of FLEA MARKET
: a usually open-air market for secondhand articles and antiques
translation of French Marché aux puces, a market in Paris
First Known Use: 1922
Urban Dictionary
Slang for eBay—term probably originated from the comparison of eBay and a flea market
Check out my antique IBM PCjr I just bought on Fleabay!
by Thomas L. Feb 10, 2006
Google Groups: rec.guns
Newsgroups: rec.guns
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: 1998/12/08
Subject: Re:ebay…fleabay…will it be what you think?
Ebay can be the worst place to get a great deal….millions of people can put stuff on auction…what if you get rocks in a box what recourse do YOU have! Thats right NONE
Google Groups: rec.collecting.coins
Newsgroups: rec.collecting.coins
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Joe Sewell)
Date: 1999/04/27
Subject: Re: Any bargains on E-Bay?
How many of us have a hope of dealing with the big auction houses?  How many of us have a hope of finding something on eBay?  It’s really two different worlds ... like an antique shop vs. a junk store, or an upscale department store vs. a flea market.  (Maybe we should call it fleaBay? 😊
AVS Forum
09-11-06, 11:59 AM
Newbie: Whats fleabay?
Ive seen a few ppl use the term “fleabay” is this just an ebay diss or a real site?
09-11-06, 01:10 PM
ebay diss