FinMin (finance minister or finance ministry)

“FinMin” or “finmin” is a popular news headline abbreviation for “finance minister” or “finance ministry.” The term “FinMin” has been cited in print since at least 1996.
The pronunication is unclear, just as the word “finance” can be pronounced two ways. “Fin” can be read as “fine” or “(Huckleberry) Finn.”
GoogleGroups: soc.culture.mexican
Newsgroups: soc.culture.mexican
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (MexCom)
Date: 1996/07/22
Subject: Mexican Commentary - 7/20
FinMin Inflation Forecast Remains Unchanged at 20.5%
Alejandro Valenzuela, Finance Ministry spokesman said in a published interview last week that the Mexican government’s inflation forecast for 1996 remains at 20.5 percent.
Google Groups: biz.clarinet.sample
Newsgroups:,, biz.clarinet.sample
Followup-To: biz.clarinet.sample
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Reuter / Llazar Semini)
Date: 1997/01/05
Subject: Albania finmin says will cut budget deficit
TIRANA, Jan 5 (Reuter) - Albanian Finance Minister Ridvan Bode pledged to reduce the country’s burgeoning budget deficit and improve links with international financial institutions, Albanian daily Rilindja Demokratike reported on Sunday.
Google Groups: soc.culture.indonesia
Newsgroups: soc.culture.indonesia, alt.culture.indonesia
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Dennis L. Fiddle)
Date: 1997/12/15
Subject: Rupiah dip will boost Indonesian exports-FinMin
Friday December 12, 11:24 am Eastern Time
Rupiah dip will boost Indonesian exports-FinMin
NEW YORK, Dec 12 (Reuters) - Indonesian Finance Minister Mar’ie Mummamad said he expected a highly competitive Indonesian export sector as a result of recent currency depreciation.
Google Grouips: alt.current-events.russia
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.russia, soc.culture.russian, soc.culture.soviet
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (NetComrade)
Date: 1998/04/10
Subject: NEWS: Russia cash budget revenues up 30 pct in Q1-FinMin
Russia cash budget revenues up 30 pct in Q1-FinMin
MOSCOW, April 9 (Reuters) - Russia’s hard hit budget saw a 30 percent rise in cash receipts from tax and customs duties in the first quarter of the year, a Finance Ministry official said on Thursday.
Business News Americas
FinMin: State Bank Bailout to Cost US$3.23bn - Colombia
Published: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 0:00 (GMT -0400)
The bailout of Colombia’s state-owned banks will cost US$3.23bn, Finance minister Juan Camilo Restrepo and Public Credit director Alberto Calderon Zuleta told the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
Posted: Wed, Dec 17 2008. 10:05 PM IST
Finmin rejects tourism pitch for subsidies to budget hotels
Finance ministry sees no merit in proposal by tourism ministry that offered capital subsidy to budget hotel builders

Sangeeta Singh and Utpal Bhaskar
New Delhi: Union finance ministry has rejected a tourism ministry proposal to subsidize private companies building one-three-star category hotels.
Euro Collapse Could Lead to War: Polish FinMin
Published: Friday, 16 Sep 2011 | 5:08 AM ET
By: Reporting by Silvia Wadhwa, writing by Antonia van de Velde
A collapse of Europe’s monetary union would likely lead to a breakup of the European Union as a whole, posing significant risks to the region and even raising the possibility of war in the long term, Poland’s Finance Minister told CNBC late on Thursday.
Zero Hedge
Germany Spoils Party After FinMin Says Second Greek Bailout May Need To be Revised
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/23/2011 09:40 -0400
Just hitting Dow Jones, another set of cold hard factual bricks for the bailout rumor brigade. From Germany’s FinMin Wolfgang Schaeuble:
Greek deputy finmin says troika talks basically concluded
ATHENS | Mon Oct 3, 2011 2:58am EDT
(Reuters) - Greece and its EU/IMF inspectors have broadly completed negotiations about a further bailout tranche for the debt-laden country, a government minister said on Monday, indicating the basis of an agreement had been reached.
Deputy Finance Minister Pantelis Oikonomou expressed the opinion that Greece managed to convince its lenders that fiscal slippages were mainly due to a deeper-than-expected recession.