“Fight crime—shoot back”

“Fight crime—shoot back” is a pro-gun slogan that has been printed on many bumper stickers.The bumper sticker has been printed since at least 1982, when a police chief in Terre Haute, Indiana received national publicity for his stickers.
28 May 1982, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Chief sticks to ‘shoot back’ stance” (AP), pg. 19A, col. 1:
TERRE HAUTE, Ind.—The police chief who instituted a shoot-to-kill policy for officers is pursuing his anti-crime crusade with 100 bumper stickers bearing the legend: “Fight Crime—Shoot Back.”
Police Chief Gerald Loudermilk, who last year ordered his officers to use deadly force when necessary to deter wrongdoers, said Wednesday that he has been surprised by the demand for the orange and black bumper stickers.
Google News Archive
17 April 1983, Bulletin-Journal (Cape Girardeau, MO), “Police chief says Terre Haute is town tough on crime and criminals” (UPI), pg. 11, col. 6:
He (Terre Haute Police Chief Gerald Loudermilk—ed.) still receives letters from people who want to buy “Fight Crime: Shoot Back” bumper stickers he devised last May.
Google Books
New Christian Politics
By David G. Bromley and Anson D. Shupe
Macon, GA: Mercer University Press
Pg. 196:
Bumper stickers urging people to “Fight Crime, Shoot Back” and to resist any form of gun control are regularly seen on automobiles bearing Indiana plates, and epistles condemning the Federal government, disarmament schemes, and welfare .programs often appear in the letters-to-the-editor columns of local newspapers.
Google Books
Mollie’s Job:
A Story of Life and Work on the Global Assembly Line

By William M. Adler
New York, NY: Scribner
Pg. 310:
A sticker seen on not a few bumpers: fight crime, shoot back.
Google Books
Blonde Walks into a Bar:
The 4,000 Most Hilarious, Gut-Busting Gags, One-Liners and Jokes

By Jonathan Swan
Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press
Pg. ?:
Fight Crime: Shoot Back!
Shannon Borcky
Fight crime, shoot back.
2:12 PM - 14 Feb 2008
February 26, 2014 2:22 PM MST
FIght crime: shoot back.
Dave Workman
Snohomish County authorities were still investigating last night’s shooting at a private residence near Lake Stevens today, an incident that is getting coverage from all the local news agencies, and is one more example of a trend this column has discussed before, the lawful use of lethal force in self-defense.
It may be best summed up in the words of a popular bumper sticker: “Fight Crime - Shoot Back.”