Fidouchebag (fiduciary/finance + douchebag)

“Fidouchebag” (fiduciary/finance + douchebag) is a term that was popularly used by Jon Stewart on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show on July 30, 2014. The term has been cited in print since at least 2008:
“I love that you used the word Fiduciary.”
“We’re not going to use that word in this organization though right.”
“We could have an accountant and call the person the fidouchebag.”

Stephen Christoffersen defined the term on Quora on July 29, 2013:
“Fidouchebags (n) - Someone who exploits their position of power and abuses their fiduciary duty to enrich themselves at the expense of their constituents.”
Wrap Your Head With This Material…
Friday Quotes
“I love that you used the word Fiduciary.”
“We’re not going to use that word in this organization though right.”
“We could have an accountant and call the person the fidouchebag.”
Patrick Harnett
Invented a new legal term. Breach your fiduciary duty? You’re a “fidouchebag”. Pass it on. Coined with @AdamMWalker.#law #Blacks
8:33 PM - 1 Nov 2010
terry doyle
Trying to close Chase accounts for third time—of course there are reasons why they can’t. #fidouchebags
Seattle, WA
2:44 PM - 8 Nov 2011
Queen Bitch \m/
1:11 PM - 15 Jul 2013
Stephen Christoffersen, Libertarian
Fidouchebags (n) - Someone who exploits their position of power and abuses their fiduciary duty to enrich themselves at the expense of their constituents.
Written 29 Jul, 2013.
Brandy Judkins
#fidouchebags rofl #dailyshow
10:08 PM - 30 Jul 2014