Father’s Day in Harlem (racist joke)

What’s the definition of “confusion”? Father’s Day in Harlem!
This racist joke dates from the 1980s and is of unknown origin.
Google Books
The Mirth of Nations
by Christie Davies
Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers
Pg. 188:
What’s the definition of confusion?
Father’s day in Harlem. (American 1980s)
Jokes: Black One-Liners
Q: What’s the definition of the word “Confusion”?
A: Father’s day in Harlem.
Q: What’s the most confusing day in Harlem?
A: Father’s day.
Google Groups: talk.politics.guns
From:  ICDLJ
Date:  Thurs, Apr 9 1992 1:52 am
One was banning cheap guns (the term Saturday Night Special has its origin in the racial slur “Niggertown Saturday Night,” which was similar to “Father’s Day in Harlem” or “Chinese Fire Drill.”)