Far Rockaway Cough

Far Rockaway suffered much damage from Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. A November 14, 2012 MyFoxNY.com report on the post-hurricane health problems in Far Rockaway was titled “Far Rockaway cough.”
Other New York City-named diseases include World Trade Center cough, Second Avenue Subway cough and Zuccotti (Park) lung.
Far Rockaway cough
PrintPosted: Nov 14, 2012 9:56 PM CST Updated: Nov 15, 2012 7:27 AM CST
By JOHN HUDDY, Fox 5 News Reporter
MYFOXNY.COM - A bad cough is going around Far Rockaway, Queens. It is just one example of the post-storm health problems resident of hard-hit areas are exposed to in the aftermath.
Brett Scudder, a community activist, says he has come across many people who have a cough and migraine headaches.
Dr. Manny Alvarez of Fox News says migraines and respiratory problems could be signs of toxic exposure.
The city’s Department of Health says recent testing shows outdoor air quality is good. But officials warn about indoor air quality.
Far Rockaway cough
Posted on November 15, 2012 by Admin
Cathleen says:
November 15, 2012 at 9:20 pm
Oh I had this cough when I lived near the west coast some years ago. My apartment was very cold, damp and moldy. It took me a whole year and some months to get rid of. It’s no fun.