Faketriot (fake + patriot)
“Faketriot” (fake + patriot) is said about someone who poses falsely as a patriot. “Faketriot Act” was cited in print in 2005. “Faketriots” was cited in 2007 about football’s New England Patriots team name. Political uses of “faketriot” became popular in 2011 and 2012.
Gary Clifford Gibson’s Blog
July 25, 2005
Fed Neo-Corporatists Seige U.S. Library Readers Privacy
Administration policy to undermine American economic security and independence from trans-national control may be discerned in the application of a Trojan Horse modified Faketriot Act to allow slow learning federal thugs to discover what books intelligent readers are checking out of public libraries.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Alvinisms 352
When the Chargers smash the Faketriots Imma email all the analysts who picked against us and send a letter to Goodell.
AtlantaFalcons.com Forums
Pretty Funny Team Fail Names
Top Flight
Posted 18 November 2009 - 08:36 PM
Cincinnati “Bungles”
Cleveland “Frowns”
New Orleans “Aints”
Tampa Bay “Succaneers”
Indianapolis “Jokes”
New England “Faketriots”
Lunatic Outpost
top guest
04-18-2011 05:43 AM
RE: Alex Jones’ vicious attack on Donald Trump
alex jones is a vicious attack. Screw that fraud. What a faketriot.
Pennsylvania Republican: Voter ID Laws Are ‘Gonna Allow Governor Romney To Win’
Andre Caesar Anderson · Top Commenter · The School of Hard Knocks and Intelligence
A question to Republicans:
How come taking someone’s right to vote away isn’t about personal FREEDOMS, but affordable Health Care for all is? How is that the ONE thing that epitomizes FREEDOM the most in this Country (and something that hypocrites as yourself wax apoplectic when another Country doesn’t honor the right to vote) is so easily thrown away by you FREEDOM loving faketriots? Do tell.
June 25, 2012 at 4:27pm
Scott Boyd · Top Commenter · Austin, Texas
faketriots - I’m sooo stealing that one, Andre! I’ll trade you teatard and reichtard if that helps!
June 25, 2012 at 8:25pm
Chris P Pickel
Which is better “Elmer Romney” or “Mitt Fudd”? Faketriot #PaulReverse direct: One RT if for Elmer, Two if for Fudd #Forward2012 #tcot #tpot
6:59 PM - 11 Sep 2012
John Kerry, the Faketriot, Tried to Hijack this sentiment in his Senate confirmation hearing! Did anyone else get that? pic.twitter.com/AoxQiEsz
4:20 PM - 25 Jan 2013
Sherrie Lea
Another Faketriot Exposed, Keeps Showing The “Truth” Movement is Produce…: http://youtu.be/szaIi14MFUI via @youtube
2:21 AM - 8 Jul 2013
Democats and Demodog
The people who hate America because they hate Obama are not patriots.They are dangerous losers who need medication, and no guns. #Faketriots
11:02 PM - 1 Sep 2013
Dan Rice
@kasie It fugures Faketriot Cruz thinks blocking people from going to 9/11 events in NYC for petty payback much ado about nothing
9:51 AM - 12 Apr 2014