Fake News Channel (Fox News Channel nickname)

The Fox News Channel (headquartered in Manhattan) has had critics who accuse it of being to closely associated with the Republican Party and right wing politics. The nickname “Fake News Channel” has been cited in print since at least September 2004. In March 2011, the host of MSNBC Live With Cenk Uygur said that they should change the name of Fox News to the “Fake News Channel.”
Other Fox News nicknames include “Faux News” (since March 2001), “Fux News” (since July 2001), “Fox Spews”/“Faux Spews” (since November 2001), “Foxaganda” (since October 2003), “Fox Noise”/“Faux Noise” (since August 2004), “Fixed News” (since October 2004), “Fox Comedy” (since December 2005), “Full Of Xenophobia” (since March 2007), “Fixed Noise” (since August 2007) and “FoxPAC” (since September 2009).
The more liberal MSNBC network has been nicknamed “PMSNBC” (since July 1996), “MSNBS” (since October 1996), “MessNBC” (since March 2002), “MSDNC” (since May 2005),  “MSLSD” (since September 2005), “MSLGBT” (since October 2008), “Moonbats Spouting Nothing But Crap” (since January 2010), “MSNBC-Pravda” (since August 2010), “More Stupid Nonsense Bull Crap” (since April 2013) and “MSNPC” (since June 2013).
Google Groups: rec.audio.pro
Newsgroups: rec.audio.pro
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Altasrecrd)
Date: 06 Sep 2004 02:47:35 GMT
Local: Sun, Sep 5 2004 9:47 pm
Subject: Re: Fox News Beats ABC/CBS & NBC
Yes, Fake News Channel is going to put real news broadcasts out of business.
Google Groups: alt.politics.bush
Newsgroups: alt.politics.bush, alt.politics.democrats, alt.politics.usa.republican, alt.impeach.bush
From: “Möbius Pretzel”

Date: 23 Mar 2006 14:57:00 -0800
Subject: Even ‘Fox Fake News’ (Bush’s Propaganda Channel) Can’t *Invent* Any Good News About Bush’s Disaster In Iraq - That Says A Lot!
Bush’s Iraq fuck-up is so bad his own fake news channel (Fox) can’t even invent any fake good news about it.
NYTimes.com—Media Decoder Blog
October 12, 2009, 9:43 am
Lou Dobbs’s Next Home: Fox Business?
October 12, 2009
12:16 pm
I think it would be great for Dobbs to go to the Fake News Channel, or any of their subsidiaries…especially if he hopes to fade into oblivion quickly. One can only hope.
— Ken Hajjar
Media Matters
MSNBC’s Uygur: Revelation That Sammon Lied Means That They Should Change Name Of Fox News To “Fake News Channel”
March 29, 2011 8:00 pm ET
From the March 29 edition of MSNBC Live With Cenk Uygur:...