“Exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 70%”

“Exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. Sometimes “70%” is stated.
“Exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%” was posted on X/Twitter by Austin White on April 24, 2015. The saying was posted on image at Imgur on May 6, 2015, and this image probably originated the saying. “Excercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 70%” was posted on X/Twitter by Othman on May 8, 2015.
Trevor S
Getting just 10 minutes of exercise a day can raise your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 40%.
1:33 PM · Apr 24, 2015
Laachi Spaari
Getting just 10 minutes of exercise a day can raise your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 40%.
1:46 PM · Apr 24, 2015
Austin White
Exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%. Now you know.
11:49 PM · Apr 24, 2015
Steve Burns
> @BioRunUp Studies show that exercising just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes 60% https://pic.twitter.com/oYmvlDMnFt
4:08 PM · Apr 26, 2015
Himanshu Singh
Doing 10 push-ups per day can raise your risk of posting inspirational quotes on twitter by 90%.
3:25 AM · Apr 28, 2015
Russell Parrington
exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by up to 60%
5:59 AM · Apr 29, 2015
One of the many postive effects of excercise
May 6 2015
(“Exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%” is shown on an image.—ed.)
Running Quotes
May 7, 2015 at 8:18 PM ·
“Exceraising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%”.
via @thefatjew_
(The saying is also shown on an image.—ed.)
Excercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 70% #JadenSmith
12:10 AM · May 8, 2015
Uros G.
“Exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes for 60%”
via @weknowmeme
(The saying is also shown on an image.—ed.)
12:16 PM · May 8, 2015
David Voth
Exercising for just 10 minutes per day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%.
(The saying is also shown on an image.—ed.)
5:26 PM · Jun 1, 2015
Fuel Running
Warning: Exercising 4 just 10 mins a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes… http://bit.ly/1ShD0WO
(“Warning: Exercising 4 just 10 mins a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%” is shown on an image.—ed.)
7:00 PM · Dec 22, 2015
America’s Best Pics and Videos
25 feb 2022
Exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 70%
21 may 2023
Exercising for just 10 minutes a raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 70%
The Patriot Post
FEBRUARY 15, 2024
Increased Inspirational Quotes
(The following text is shown on an image.—ed.)
Exercising for just 10 minutes
a day raises your risk of
posting inspirational quotes
by 70%