“Exercise makes you look better naked. So does tequila. Your choice”

“Exercise makes you look better naked. So does alcohol/beer/champagne/tequila/vodka/whiskey/wine. Your choice” is a jocular drinking saying that has been printed on many images. “Exercise makes you look better naked? So does Tequila….” was posted on Twitter by Bren on December 16, 2014. “Exercise makes you look better naked. So does tequila. Your choice” was posted on Twitter by Mamí on March 17, 2016.
“Exercise makes you look better naked, but so does alcohol” was posted on Twitter by Tom Rewaj on March 15, 2016. “Big Sweat sez:  Exercise makes you look better naked.  So does alcohol.  Your choice” was posted on Twitter by Steve Billmyer on May 1, 2016.
“Exercise makes you look better naked…so does whiskey” was posted on Twitter by Shannon Lee on March 30, 2016. “Exercise makes you look better naked. So does whiskey. Your choice!” was posted on Twitter by Johnny Walker on April 6, 2016.
“Exercise makes you look better naked. So does vodka. Your call” was posted on Twitter by Jess Minogue on May 6, 2016. “Exercise makes you look better naked. So does beer. Your choice!” was posted on Twitter by Becki on October 19, 2016. “Exercise makes you look better naked. So does wine. Your choice” was posted on Twitter by Wine Type on October 20, 2016. “Exercise makes you look better naked….so does champagne…your choice” was posted on Twitter by Leana Zittlau on October 31, 2016.
Exercise makes you look better naked? So does Tequila….
4:24 PM - 16 Dec 2014
Professor Joe
Exercise makes you look better naked! But then, so does tequila… Yeah, so…
6:36 PM - 17 Feb 2016
Exercise makes you look better naked. So does tequila !! 😜 #bodega
9:24 PM - 5 Mar 2016
Tom Rewaj
Exercise makes you look better naked, but so does alcohol
9:51 AM - 15 Mar 2016
Mamí  🥀
Exercise makes you look better naked. So does tequila. Your choice. 🍸🍾
11:26 PM - 17 Mar 2016
Shannon Lee
Exercise makes you look better naked…so does whiskey…...#health #fitness #humor #happyhour #gym #whiskey
9:42 PM - 30 Mar 2016
Johnny Walker
#repost @thebargables -  Exercise makes you look better naked. So does whiskey. Your choice!… https://www.instagram.com/p/BD4Nzzhl4Oi/
8:08 PM - 6 Apr 2016
12 April 2016, The Mercury (Durban, South Africa), “Too far-fetched,” pg. 6:
OVERHEARD in the Street Shelter for the Over-Forties: “Exercise makes you look better naked. So does tequila. Your choice.”
Steve Billmyer
Big Sweat sez:  Exercise makes you look better naked.  So does alcohol.  Your choice.  “Rubbing Is Racing” @ 7:00pm EST on Blog Talk Radio
8:06 PM - 1 May 2016
Jess Minogue
Exercise makes you look better naked. So does vodka. Your call.
1:23 PM - 6 May 2016
“Exercise makes you look better naked. So does beer. Your choice!” - @wmms 😂😂😂
1:40 PM - 19 Oct 2016
Wine Type
Wine Type Exercise makes you look better naked. So does wine. Your choice. http://ift.tt/2dT6DzN
10:43 PM - 20 Oct 2016
JustAlsovi 💙
Exercise makes you look better naked. So does wine. Your choice.
MARTA KapitLikeKoala
10:06 AM - 22 Oct 2016
Leana Zittlau
Exercise makes you look better naked….so does champagne…your choice 🍾🍾🍾
11:41 PM - 31 Oct 2016
Rican Goddess
Exercise makes you look better naked… but so does liquor… choose wisely
4:29 PM - 19 Nov 2016
21 November 2016, The Advertiser (Adelaide, Australia), “The Last Word” by Marty Smith, pg. 20:
From the online pinboard Pinterest: “Exercise makes you look better naked. So does tequila. Your choice.”
30 Hilarious Tequila Memes To Help You Celebrate National Tequila Day The Right Way
Jill Zwarensteyn
July 19, 2018
1. Whatever works.
“Exercise makes you look better naked. So does tequila. Your choice.”
The New Yorker
August 27, 2018 Issue
Paul Singer, Doomsday Investor
The head of Elliott Management has developed a uniquely adversarial, and immensely profitable, way of doing business.

By Sheelah Kolhatkar
There was nothing sordid, exactly, but some photographs on the account — such as one not included in the presentation, which showed (Jonathan—ed.) Bush at a resort in the Bahamas looking hungover in front of a sign that read “Exercise makes you look better naked, so does Tequila. Your choice.” — were publicly available and painted a picture of a less than responsible C.E.O.
tiffanybluezz 💙
Exercise makes you look better naked but so does whiskey.
10:45 PM - 8 Jan 2019