“Everyone thinks they are an expert in education because they went to school”

“Everyone thinks they are an expert in education because they went to school” is a saying of unknown authorship. “It is as if everyone is an expert in education because everyone has had some” was cited in 1979. “Everyone is an expert in education because they all went to school” was cited in 2001.
“I work in education, and there’s a saying that everyone thinks they’re an education expert because everyone went to school” was cited in 2013.
Google Books
Changing the Curriculum, a Social Process
By Alice Miel
New York, NY: D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc.
Pg. 129:
In the case of community adults one encounters frequently the phenomenon of the expert in natural science, medicine, or law who thinks of himself as an expert in education because he went through college.
Google Books
Alternative Educational Systems
By Edward Ignas and Raymond J. Corsini
Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock Publishers
Pg. 381:
It is as if everyone is an expert in education because everyone has had some.
BBC News
Monday, 12 February, 2001, 13:20 GMT
Teachers’ pay: Is it good enough?
Everyone is an expert in education because they all went to school, the fact that education has changed beyond all recognition seems to be irrelevant.
Derek, UK
The Guardian (UK)
Leaving schools behind
Sadly, neither Barack Obama nor John McCain is going to stand out as an education president

Michael Lisman
Tuesday 1 July 2008 13.00 EDT
An old saying in politics is that everyone is an education expert – because everyone went to school.
Google Groups: HCPSS CAC
CAC Monthly Report
Thanks for the report and your thoughts on “what is the proper education” for our students, and hence, good citizens and intelligent workers.
I believe this is exactly where we should start as “everyone is an expert in education because they had one?”
Dean Brown
#eisummit Great line-everyone thinks they are an expert in education because they got one.
10:28 AM - 7 Apr 2011
@web20classroom everyone is an “expert” in education because they have all been through the system. Everyone believes the lie. #edchat
6:53 PM - 5 Jul 2011
Joe Bower
Everyone thinks they are an expert in education because we all went to school.
12:16 PM - 6 May 2012
TPM (TalkingPointsMemo)
“You Don’t Have a 9/11.”
Published SEPTEMBER 13, 2013, 8:27 AM EDT
More of ‘What’s Your 9/11?’ ... from TPM Reader MS ...
I work in education, and there’s a saying that everyone thinks they’re an education expert because everyone went to school. That’s how I feel about 9/11. Everyone feels like they have a harrowing story because they watched it all live on TV.
Nicholas A. Ferroni
Thinking you are an education expert because you went to school, is like thinking you are a medical expert because you went to the doctors.
2:20 PM - 24 Feb 2014
Leicester Mercury (UK)
‘Wart’ car park is defended by man who helped build it
By Leicester Mercury |  Posted: August 20, 2014
“Professionally, he doesn’t know what he’s on about,” Mr Robinson said. “It’s the old saying, ‘Everyone who’s been to school thinks they are a expert in education’.