“Every year on NYE I think ‘no way they can turn this number into glasses’ & every year I am wrong”

New Year’s glasses are novelty eyeglasses in the numerical shape of the coming year. They are usually worn just at New Year’s Eve parties. The glasses most properly fit for the years 2000-2009 (when the “00” numbers were over the eyes), but they have also been made for other years.
This was posted on Twitter by lola on February 9, 2021, and received over 526,600 likes:
“Every year on NYE I think ‘no way they can turn this number into glasses’ and every year I am wrong.”
“2000-2009 were the glory years for New Year’s Eve party glasses” is a related saying.
Wikipedia: New Year’s glasses       
New Year’s glasses are novelty eyeglasses in the numerical shape of the coming year usually worn during New Year’s Eve parties. They were invented and patented by Richard Sclafani and Peter Cicero in 1992, although other companies have produced similar versions. New Year’s glasses’ inspiration and popularity arose from the fact that the two digits in the middle of the year number (9 and 0 from the years 1990-2009) had holes suitable for looking through or mounting lenses into.
lola 🧌
Every year on NYE I think “no way they can turn this number into glasses” and every year I am wrong
11:24 AM · Feb 9, 2021
Megan THEE Markle
Every year on NYE I think “no way they can turn this number into glasses” and every year I am wrong
9:30 PM · Feb 10, 2021
Joey Bag’o’Donuts
Every year on NYE I think “no way can they turn this number into glasses” and every year I am wrong
10:45 AM · Dec 29, 2021
Amelia D | amelia.sol
Going into every NYE I think, “there’s no way they turn this number into glasses”. Every year I’m wrong. Innovation everywhere.
2:10 PM · Dec 29, 2021
Every year I think “no way they can turn this number into glasses” and every year they prove me wrong … like we can’t even see thru them at this point 😂
8:50 AM · Dec 31, 2021
YayArea22.eth🌉 & meechie
@yayarea22_eth & @973Meech
Every year on NYE we think “there’s no way they can turn this number into glasses” and every year we are wrong🤔👓
10:18 AM · Dec 26, 2022