Enviromarxist (environment + Marxist); Enviromarxism

An “enviromarxist” (enviroment + Marxist) is someone who not only is an environmental activist, but who believes that Marxist economics (carbon taxes, wealth redistribution, etc.) should be applied to remedy the situation. “Enviromarxist” (also “enviroMarxist,” “enviro-Marxist” or “enviro Marxist”) has been cited in print since at least 2001.
Similar terms for an environmental activist include “ecotard,” “climatard,” “envirotard,” “environazi,” “enviroweenie,” “tree-hugger” and “greeniac.”
Urban Dictionary
One who uses environmentalism as the rationale for government control of the economy.
The No Child Left Inside Act is just a way for the enviromarxists to spread propaganda in the public schools.
by G Foley May 22, 2009
Urban Dictionary
Using environmentalism as the rationale for government control of the economy.
The No Child Left Inside Act is just a way to spread enviromarxism in the public schools.
by G Foley May 22, 2009
Google Books
The United Nations Exposed:
The internationalist conspiracy to rule the world

By William F. Jasper
Appleton, WI: John Birch Society
Pg. 111:
A cascade of enviro-Marxist offerings mushroomed out of nowhere with the same theme.
Stop the FTAA
Erasing Our Borders
By William F. Jasper Source: The New American, May 6, 2002
Globalists are maneuvering America into a merger with the rest of the Western Hemisphere via “free trade” agreements. Their goal, as with the EU, is regional government.
The signatories also swore to “advance and implement the commitments made at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development” (the enviro-Marxist Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro) by creating “cooperative partnerships to strengthen our capacity to prevent and control pollution” and promote “sustainable development” (globalese for UN control over economic, industrial, and population matters).
2003-04-12 05:30:35 AM
There’s no way around it. Bush is for protecting America and making us stronger. Even if he is still polluted with altruism.
Al Gore and most Democrats would sacrifice us on the alter for every stupid marxist and green (modern enviro marxists) idea that comes down the pike.
Free Republic
Insanity from the EnviroMarxists.
12 posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 10:34:58 AM by pabianice
Debunk House
Dave Middleton’s Debunk House (June 3, 2009—ed.)
I also frequently use the word “Enviromarxism” or “Enviromarxist.” Enviromarxists are those politicians and scientists who are threatening to take away our freedom and prosperity in order to protect the environment of the Earth from the ravages of capitalism. I believe that the root of Enviromarxism is school of thought known as Steady State Economics (AKA sustainable development). Al Gore is the poster child of Enviromarxism. The major flaws of Enviromarxism are: 1) Poor nations are far worse polluters than wealthy nations; and 2) Virtually all of the science that is used to support the Enviromarxist agenda is junk science. I started this blog as a place where I could “publish” my own scientific refutation of Enviromarxist junk science.
Google Books
Trickle Up Poverty:
Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security

By Michael Savage
New York, NY: HarperCollins
Pg. 158:
What is clear is that the Obama enviro-Marxists are not suddenly abandoning their quest to seize control of the energy sector just because they encountered some resistance at first.
Give Us Liberty 1776
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Video, “Lord Monckton slams ENVIRO-MARXISTS…