
An “enmolada” is a rolled tortilla dipped in mole and usually with fillings, similar to the enchilada. Although the “enmolada” is from Oaxaca, Mexico, it’s become an item on some Tex-Mex menus.
An “enfrijolada” is a similar item, but dipped in bean sauce. An “entomatada” is a tortilla dipped in tomato sauce.
Travel+Leisure: Mexican Food Glossary, by Region
Enmolada: folded corn tortilla with a mix of black mole, sesame seeds, crumbled mild cheese, raw onions, and a side of meat
Google Books
A Cook’s Tour of Mexico:
Authentic Recipes from the Country’s Best Open-Air Markets, City Fondas, and Home Kitchens
by Nancy Zaslavsky
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Griffin
Pg. 253:
Fonda Rosita’s
Enmoladas  Tortillas Dipped in Mole and Folded
ENMOLADAS, ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR FONDA DISHES IN OAXACA, is prepared exactly the same way as enchiladas, entomatadas, and enfrijoladas in Oaxaca: dipped in a sauce, then folded without a filling. The basic difference among the four is the sauce. A favorite spot for enmoladas is Fonda Rosita in Mercado Democracia (page 227). Breakfast enmoladas are big hits here—tortillas are dipped in mole without first frying. Have a cup of an ancient beverage at one of the few places still making chocolatole in Mexico. It’s similar, but different and more involved than champarrado in that you start with white atole and add sky-high chocolate foam.
Practical home cooks prepare enmoladas when they have leftover mole on hand. Or they buy paste and add a cup of pureed tomatoes and stir in chicken broth (along with any secret additions) until the texture of light cream is achieved.
Yield: 6 servings, 2 tortillas per person
3 cups “Mole Negor” (page 238)
12 thin corn tortillas (“blanditas” in Oaxaca)
1/2 cup ranchero cheese, dry cottage cheese, or farmer cheese, crumbled
1/2 onion, sliced into 1/4-inch rings (...)
Google Groups: rec.food.cooking
Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: 1996/06/29
Subject: Enfrijoladas, Entomotadas, Emoladas & Enchiladas (long) 
I love these simple tortilla concoctions from Oaxaca.  Note that they are all sauced and folded, not filled and rolled.  These are typical fonda dishes served in the Mercado 20 de Noviembre food stall building and in the Mercado Democracia.  Note that the enchiladas call for chile pasilla de Oaxaca which is a smoked pasilla available only in Oaxaca…it is not the regular pasilla.  I always fill my suitcases with them for the return flight but a substitute is provided to bring out the smokey flavor:
{Exported from MasterCook Mac}
Notes:  Enmoladas are a popular breakfast dish as well.  A good time to make emoladas is when you have leftover mole or buy paste and add a cup of pureed tomatoes and thin with chicken broth until the texture of light cream is achieved
Serving Size:  6

3 c mole negro  
12   corn tortillas
1/2   c ranchero cheese   crumbled
1/2     white onions   cut into 1/4” rings
1.  Heat the mole in a wide, medium sized saucepan.  Holding it by the upper edges, dip a tortilla in the sauce.  Put it on a plate and fold in half, then fold in half again to make a triangle.  Repeat with another tortilla on the same plate (each serving has two tortillas).
2.  Spoon more sauce over the tortillas and sprinkle with cheese.  Top with 3 to 5 raw onion rings.  Repeat with the other 5 servings.  Serve at once. 
Google Groups: alt.food.mexican-cooking
Newsgroups: alt.food.mexican-cooking
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (David Wright)
Date: 1999/08/19
Subject: En_adas
Nancy Zaslavsky (A Cook’s Tour of Mexico) has recipes for four dishes from Oaxaca of tortillas (lightly fried first, or not) dipped in different sauces and folded into quarters and topped with more sauce, onion slices and white cheese. They’re named depending on the sauce: Enchiladas Oaxaqueños (red chile), Enmoladas (mole), Enfrijoladas (black bean sauce), and Entomatadas (tomato sauce). Very easy once you’ve made the sauce of your choice. 
Google Books
World Food
by Bruce Geddes
Lonely Planet
Pg. 230:
enmolada ehn-moh-lah-dah anything cooked in a mole sauce
Google Groups: alt.food.mexican-cooking
Newsgroups: alt.food.mexican-cooking
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (David Wright)
Date: 2000/01/18
Subject: Re: Enchilada Sauce?
>Other sauces
>are used in the same way, and results are often called enchiladas.  But
>some times the name reflects the type of sauce:
>an enmoladas has been dipped in a mole sauce
>an enfrijolada uses a bean sauce
>an entomatada uses a tomato sauce (possibly without any chiles)
>He doesn’t give a separate name for a tomatillo-chile sauce.
Nancy Zaslsvsky (I keep referring to her book, as does Frank Perricone) has a recipe for Oaxacan entomatadas with a sauce that includes tomatoes and de arbol chiles. She, too, has enmoladas and
enfrijoladas (made with a black bean sauce) and enchiladas (sauce made with three kinds of chiles).
The difference between these Oaxacan “‘ladas” and the ones most of us are used to is that the tortillas are fried briefly to soften them, then dipped in the sauce and folded twice on the plate (rather than rolled or stacked, as in New Mexico style). Then they’re topped with more sauce, some white onion, parsely or cilantro, and some white cheese.
13 April 2001, Los Angeles (CA) Daily News, “Digging Azteca Studio City Restaurant Proves There’s More to Like About Mexican Food” by Larry Lipson, pg. L45:
Enmoladas ($7) join three corn tortillas topped with cheese, onions and chicken or beef and a tasty mole sauce.
A similar arrangement, enfrijoladas ($7), reveals a black bean mixture on the three corn tortillas with cheese and a side of rice.
Google Groups: alt.food.mexican-cooking
Newsgroups: alt.food.mexican-cooking
From: Karen O’Mara

Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 20:54:39 -0700
Local: Sat, May 26 2001 10:54 pm
Subject: Re: Enchalada Sauce
David Wright wrote:
> It’s true that “enchiladas” does mean that the folded or rolled tortillas
> have a chile sauce, but there are also such things as enfrijoladas (bean
> sauce), enmoladas (mole) and ... would you believe ... ENTOMATADAS, made
> with tomato sauce.

> In the English speaking part of the world, we seem to refer to all of them
> as enchiladas, but these different terms and types of sauces exist in
> Mexico, at least in Oaxaca. Do a google search and you’ll find references to
> all of them. You’ll also find them in Nancy Zaslavsky’s book, A Cook’s Tour
> of Mexico, which you can read about on amazon.com.
> Have fun with whatever sauce you like.
Enmoladas.. I love that word! 
December 2004, Texas Monthly:
At the spacious Café Mayapán (El Paso—ed.), run by political activists, the cheese enchiladas called enmoladas come in a rich but not sweet mole sauce of ancho, poblano and pasilla peppers, and the blood- red cheese enchiladas rojas have a heat that sneaks up on you.
What are enmoladas, entomatadas, and enfrijoladas?
I encountered these on the menu of a local Oaxacan restaurant and wasn’t sure the owner would be able to describe them all in detail—how do they differ? Other words on the menu I didn’t understand: chapulines, campechana, botana aguachile?
Chowpatty Aug 16, 2006 03:08AM
Basically it’s a difference in how the tortillas are prepared:
enmoladas are rolled in a mole sauce;
entomatadas Oaxaqueñas are tortillas in a Oaxacan dry-roasted tomato sauce (typically on a comal);
enfrijoladas fried tortillas with beans and sauce
And I think that Campechana is some type of mixed seafood similar to ceviche.
A botana is a snack/appetizer
ciaogina Aug 16, 2006 04:35AM
Think “enchilada,” which in its basic form is a tortilla dipped in chile sauce, folded in quarters and served with a little onion and a tiny spot of cheese.
So using the same format, en-mol-ada is a tortilla dipped in mole. en-tomat-ada = tomato sauce. En-frijol-ada = dipped in thinned beans.
Campechana is a mixed seafood cocktail in the style of a Campeche woman.
Botana aguachile - some kind of appetizer, probably a shrimp cocktail, with chiles de agua - these typical Oaxacan small green chiles.
Chapulines are fried tiny grasshoppers with chile salt that are as common in Oaxaca as potato chips are here.
Snackish Aug 16, 2006 04:43AM