“Eggs are the menstrual flow of hens” (“Eggs are chicken periods”)

“Eggs are the menstrual flow of hens” or “Eggs are chicken periods” are arguments made by some vegetarians, vegans and members of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and are usually meant to discourage he consumption of eggs. The comparison is similar, but not accurate because chickens are not mammals and do not have uteruses.
“I’m okay on chicken-periods, though” (eggs—ed.) was cited on the newsgroup rec.food.cooking in 1996. “Eggs are unborn chickens, they are chicken periods” was cited on the newsgroup alt.tv.ally-mcbeal in 1998.
“Eggs, however, are the menstrual period of a bird. Not meant to be food” was cited in the newsgroup rec.food.veg in 1998. “Eggs are the menstrual fluids of chickens” was cited in the newsgroup alt.food.vegan in 2002.
Google Groups: rec.food.cooking
Is there a Best Bee Vomit?
Meg Worley
Sue writes:
>Now…  I wonder what Meg thinks about bee vomit, er, honey?
Don’t want to let you down, Sue-bee:  I can’t stand honey. I’m okay on chicken-periods, though.
Google Groups: rec.food.veg
Vegan Vs Vegetarian
As far as chickens or eggs go, I don’ t eat either. Chicken is meat really, and eggs would be considered ovo-vegetarian. Eggs, however, are the menstrual period of a bird. Not meant to be food.
Google Groups: alt.tv.ally-mcbeal
condiments (was Re: “Right Up Their Ally”: Ally Fashion Forecast)
Anita Caruso
In article <6r9vpg$48l$1…@paxfeed.eni.net>, “LDewlaney”

>ick…who eats eggs?  runny, unborn chickens…can’t even eat raw cookie
>dough because of that…

eggs are unborn chickens, they are chicken periods…just though I would clear that up..they are unfertilized…
Google Groups: alt.food.vegan
why I’m ‘vegan’
Capybara MoonCult
Eggs are the menstrual fluids of chickens. Basic biology. It is fact, not fancy language. Meat is dead bodies - corpses. Simple fact!
Richard J
> Eggs are the menstrual fluids of chickens. Basic biology. It is fact, not
> fancy language. Meat is dead bodies - corpses. Simple fact!
That is, quite simply, incorrect.  Eggs are chickens’ ova.  Chickens do hot have a menstrual cycle as they are not mammals and have no need for the uterus to prepare itself on a cyclic basis to nurture a fetus.
by anonymous on October 16th, 2006
Is an egg basically a chicken’s period?
Would You Eat a Chicken’s Period?
Posted January 24, 2008 by Marta Holmberg
Not to get all menstrual on you, but a girl’s period happens when an unfertilized egg and other tissue are discharged from her body, right? Well, when a hen lays an egg, it has either been fertilized, in which case a chicken will eventually come out of the shell, or it’s unfertilized, and people apparently thought it would be a good idea to eat these eggs.
I used to eat eggs, too, but one day, I went to crack open an egg and found blood in it. That was enough to keep me from eating eggs only when they were mixed into other things (like cake, cookies, etc.), then a couple of months later I was making cookies and cracked open an egg only to find blood in that egg, too. It was pretty sickening, and then I made the realization that I found blood in the eggs because eggs are chickens’ periods. Needless to say, I stopped eating eggs entirely after that.
@foeuhneticklee if you’re talking bout eggs, i believe they’re actually chicken periods.
2:52 PM - 2 Oct 2008
Stop calling eggs chicken abortions. Because practically all the eggs you eat aren’t fertilized. At best, they are chicken periods.
8:55 AM - 13 Mar 2009
IG: crispyPAPERS
Is the idea “Eggs are the Menstrual Flow of Hens” disgusting to you ?
4:22 AM - 21 Jun 2013
(Undated, but recorded on November 2, 2013.—ed.)
Would You Eat A Chicken’s Period?
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Few things make us squirm more than realizing that chicken periods are packed into cartons and sold by the dozen. It’s one of those things that doesn’t seem real, like a scene out of The Exorcist or a Halloween prank gone wrong. But chicken periods are exactly what you’re eating every time you fry, scramble, or bake with eggs. Have you ever cracked open an egg and found blood inside? It’s like a scary Carrie moment that’s sure to make anybody gag.
Rejean Levesque
Eggs (...) the menstrual flow of hens.(attributed to PETA) #quotes Bon appétit!
11:20 PM - 1 Jun 2014
How accurate is it to say that eggs are chicken period ?
submitted August 16, 2014 by I_Am_For_Man
Are Eggs Really CHICKEN PERIODS!?!?
Published on Oct 28, 2014
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Are eggs the chicken’s period?
Cruz Cambranes
Published on Jan 30, 2015
Eva Glasrud
My @Quora answer to Why aren’t people repulsed by eating eggs, which PETA claims are the menstrual flow of hens? http://qr.ae/R4nsTu
7:05 PM - 15 Oct 2015