Eggocado or Eggvocado (baked egg in avocado)

“Eggocado” or “eggvocado” (egg + avocado) is a baked egg inside an avocado. Recipes for the dish have been cited since at least January 2012 and have appeared on Tumblr and other websites. The egg takes the place of the avocado pit.
Behold! The eggocado!
Taken on January 14, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
I woke up this morning mostly groggy only to find myself sluggishly moving toward the couch to sit for the next twenty minutes staring ahead.  In my quest of nothingness, I noticed a brown bag from Whole Foods sitting on the kitchen counter containing a single avocado purchased yesterday.  And thus, my post for the day!
The Traveling Spoon
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Eggvocado (Baked Egg in Avocado)
Apparently this simple recipe has been doing the rounds of the interweb - who knew? And here I was thinking I’d invented a true original. Oh well, I guess that’s what happens when you’re late to the Pinterest game.
Christina Jeter
The Anatomy of the Eggvocado
March 8, 2012 by Christina Jeter
Eggvocado aka Baked Egg in an Avocado Boat.
The Eggvocado recipe has been floating around on Pinterest boards and its rising popularity encouraged me to try it out for myself. I did not follow the original recipe. I took the advice of The Traveling Spoon and followed her recipe instead.
I Be a fooDie
November 20, 2012
Eggvocado & Surviving the Holiday Season
If you want to mix up your breakfast routine, try out this new breakfast food: the Eggvocado!
Slice an avocado in half, remove the pit, and carve out enough space in the center for an egg to fit. Crack an egg into the hollowed out portion of the avocado, and bake at 375 for 15-20 minutes until eggs reach desired consistency. For those trying to avoid too much fat and fiber, just have half an avocado with 1 egg.
How to Make an Eggocado
Jeremy Jeziorski
Published on Jan 23, 2013
How to make an eggocado. Enjoy!
The Huffington Post
Tim Ferriss.
Author, ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’
Going Balls Out: The Eggocado
Posted: 05/24/2013 8:03 am
Need a break from scrambled eggs? Change it up using the mighty avocado (derived from the Aztec word for “testicle” [ahuacatl], by the way). With the instructions below, you can enjoy a no cleanup wonder of a dish. Hat tip to Alan Henry of Lifehacker, who introduced me to this: ...