Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party

The Eldridge Street Project celebrates both the Jewish culture of the Lower East Side and the Chinese culture of Chinatown with an annual "Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party." Nice name!

The 2006 "Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party" was Sunday, June 11, noon to 4 p.m.
Egg Rolls & Egg Creams Festival
The Eldridge Street Project's annual spring block party celebrates the two cultures - Chinese and Eastern European Jewish - that make our Lower East Side block so unique. This all-day festival features storytelling, music, hands-on crafts and activities inside, outside and all around the Synagogue.
MAY 17, 2004

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All-Day Festival Celebrates the Chinese and Eastern European Jewish Cultures of a Lower East Side Block

Sunday, June 6, 12-4 PM

Lower East Side, New York…A unique slice of Lower Manhattan - where Chinatown meets the Jewish Lower East Side - comes to life at the Eldridge Street Project's annual Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party on Sunday, June 6 from 12 to 4 PM. Chinese and Jewish musicians, dancers, storytellers and folk artists present their traditions and art forms at the event, which takes place on Eldridge Street between Canal and Division Streets, with the Eldridge Street Synagogue - a National Historic Landmark - as its centerpiece. The festival celebrates the two communities that have lived and worked on the block since the late 19th century. It is, perhaps, the only festival in which a Hebrew and a Chinese scribe sit side by side in the sanctuary of a synagogue demonstrating their traditions while outside on the street a Chinese Opera singer performs followed by a klezmer ensemble. A free event, the Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party draws hundreds of visitors from the neighborhood and around the city.

Performances and demonstrations by Jewish and Chinese artists, musicians, and community scholars will help audiences learn about and explore the ways in which these ethnic cultural forms are unique or have intertwined - stylistically, geographically, and historically. Highlights of the festival include performances by a Chinese opera star, Chinese folk-music ensemble, and klezmer group; hands-on demonstrations by a Torah scribe, a maker of prayer shawls, and a paper-lantern maker; Yiddish and Chinese storytelling, and, of course, delicious, kosher egg creams and egg rolls. Visitors to the festival can participate in a host of interactive activities, including mahjongg and Yiddish lessons. Interpretive materials will be available in both English and Chinese.

Both the Chinese and Eastern European Jewish communities place enormous value on traditions that have endured uninterrupted from ancient times to the present. Fittingly, the theme of this year's festival is "Generations" and the way traditions get passed down from one age to the next. Many of the day's activities will have a multi-generational component, with older practitioners presenting and performing alongside young family members or apprentices. The Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party will highlight the importance of preserving cultural traditions and artifacts, including the magnificent Eldridge Street Synagogue - a community anchor since 1887 and a National Historic Landmark since 1996.

The Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party is produced by the non-sectarian Eldridge Street Project, which was established to restore the historic Eldridge Street Synagogue as a center for historical reflection, aesthetic inspiration and spiritual renewal. Concerts, literary events, art installations, workshops for school children, and other cultural and educational programs at the site serve audiences of diverse ages and backgrounds.

LISTINGS: The Eldridge Street Project's Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party celebrates the two cultures, Chinese and Eastern European Jewish, which make the Eldridge Street Synagogue's block so unique. Music, dance, storytelling, folk art demonstrations, and, of course, kosher egg rolls and egg creams give a taste of the traditions and art forms of these two communities. The event will take place on Sunday, June 6, from 12 to 4 PM, at the landmark Eldridge Street Synagogue and its Lower East Side block. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 212.219.0888 x 302.

Directions: The Eldridge Street Synagogue is located at 12 Eldridge Street between Canal and Division Streets. F train to East Broadway; B or D train to Grand Street; #15 bus to Canal and Allen Streets; and the #9 bus to East Broadway and Market Streets.

The Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Block Party is supported in part by the Folk Arts Program of the New York State Council on the Arts. The Eldridge Street Project's Programs for Adults & Families are supported in part by grants from the City of New York Department of Cultural Affairs, City of New York Department of the Aging, Manhattan Borough President, New York City Council, New York Council for the Humanities, New York State Council on the Arts, and from the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, Goldie Anna Trust, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Rhodebeck Charitable Trust, Silverweed Foundation, Rodney White Foundation, and The Valley Bank/Merchants Bank of New York.
egg rolls & egg creams
NYC This Sunday, June 5 from 12 to 4 p.m. check out the free Egg Rolls & Egg Creams Block Party being thrown by the Eldridge Street Synagogue: "Celebrate the two cultures, Chinese-American and East European Jewish, that make our Lower East Side block so dynamic. Experience the traditions of the Synagogue's founders, as well as the customs and crafts of the Chinese immigrants who are our neighbors. This family-friendly event features storytelling, craft demonstrations, hands-on art activities, great music and, of course, kosher egg rolls and egg creams!" It's events like this that really make you appreciate living in such a melting pot of a city.
Best Annual Block Party- EGG ROLLS & EGG CREAMS
Held in early summer, the Eldridge Street Project's free EGG ROLLS & EGG CREAMS shindig is multiculti in exactly the right way. It's an excuse for the Jewish and Chinese communities of Chinatown to mingle in the pleasant old Eldridge Street Synagogue, listen to live music from both traditions, watch calligraphy demonstrations, and nosh on the relevant foods. (Neither of which actually have eggs in them—it must mean that We're More Alike Than We Knew.) -Douglas Wolk
12 Eldridge Street, Manhattan 978-8800