“Economists are paid to worry”

The economy causes worry among both economists and investors. The difference, as the saying goes, is that “economists are paid to worry.”
“Economists are paid to worry about the future” was cited in print in 1972. “There is an old saying that economists are paid to worry” was cited in 2008.
5 August 1972, Christian Science Monitor, “Trend of the Economy” by Richard Nenneman, pg. 16:
Economists are paid to worry about the future.
Google Books
Speaking of Japan
Keizai Koho Center
Issues 73-96
Pg. 23:
In contrast to ordinary people, economists are greatly worried about the trade deficit. First, we economists are paid to worry. It is our job description.
Google Books
Games for Business and Economics
By Roy Gardner
New York, NY: Wiley
Pg. 53:
Since economists are paid to worry about efficiency and efficiency means money in business, too, you should always be on the lookout for games whose solutions are efficient.
5 September 2004, Chicago (IL)Sun-Times, “Economist: Watch the dollar for clues about stocks” by David Roeder, pg. 36: 
Since economists are paid to worry, the outlook shouldn’t be a surprise.
Miller Samuel Inc.
[Inman RE Connect] Brokers v Economists, Republicans v Democrats
Posted by Jonathan J. Miller -Sunday, January 13, 2008, 12:33 PM
There is an old saying that economists are paid to worry.