
Entry in progress—B.P.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: eat·ery
Pronunciation: \ˈē-tə-rē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural eat·er·ies
Date: 1901
: luncheonette, restaurant
(Oxford English Dictionary)
colloq. (orig. U.S.).
[f. EAT + -ERY 2b.]
An eating-house.
1901 ‘H. MCHUGH’ Down the Line 52 Muttheimer’s is one of those eateries where the waiters look wise.
1923 WODEHOUSE Inimit. Jeeves i. 11 Why, then, was he lunching the girl at this God-forsaken eatery?
1927 Daily Express 30 Nov. 10/5, I think you served me with tea and toast at one of those cheap, colossal eating-houses in the West-End… No doubt you think that that clattering ‘life’ and independence.
1938 M. ALLINGHAM Fashion in Shrouds xx. 366 Lugg and I have been round every fishy club and suspicious eatery in London.
1959 Times 26 May 8/1 His inability to make contact with a really good hunk of beefsteak in the eateries of Germany, Italy and France.
1959 Vogue June 124 Pull in at one of the curb-service eateries.