Earmarxist (earmark + Marxist)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Wikipedia: Earmark (politics)
n United States politics, an earmark is a legislative (especially congressional) provision that directs approved funds to be spent on specific projects, or that directs specific exemptions from taxes or mandated fees. The term “earmark” is used in this sense only in the United States.
Earmarks can be found both in legislation (also called “Hard earmarks” or “Hardmarks”) and in the text of Congressional committee reports (also called “Soft earmarks” or “Softmarks”). Hard earmarks are binding and have the effect of law, while soft earmarks do not have the effect of law but by custom are acted on as if they were binding. Typically, a legislator seeks to insert earmarks that direct a specified amount of money to a particular organization or project in his/her home state or district. Earmarks are often considered synonymous with “pork barrel” legislation, although the two are not necessarily the same.
Congressional earmarks are often defined loosely as guarantees of federal expenditures to particular recipients in appropriations-related documents. The federal Office of Management and Budget defines earmarks as funds provided by Congress for projects or programs where the congressional direction (in bill or report language) circumvents Executive Branch merit-based or competitive allocation processes, or specifies the location or recipient, or otherwise curtails the ability of the Executive Branch to manage critical aspects of the funds allocation process.
Attempts have been made to define earmarks in ethics and budget reform legislation. However, due to the controversial nature of earmarks and the effects these definitions would have on Congressional power, none of these has been widely accepted.
Despite the lack of a consensus definition, the one used most widely was developed by the Congressional Research Service, the public policy research arm of the U.S. Congress:
“Provisions associated with legislation (appropriations or general legislation) that specify certain congressional spending priorities or in revenue bills that apply to a very limited number of individuals or entities. Earmarks may appear in either the legislative text or report language (committee reports accompanying reported bills and joint explanatory statement accompanying a conference report).”
Wikipedia: Marxism
Marxism is a political philosophy, as well as an economic and sociological worldview, which is based upon a materialist interpretation of history, a Marxist analysis and critique of capitalism, a theory of social change, and a view of human liberation derived from the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
RedState (March 19, 2007)
By Erick Posted in Congress
Reading this Wall Street Journal op-ed, I can’t help but think we should be calling anti-war porkers in Congress “Earmarxists.”
The American public and the Presidential veto pen both need to say “No” to the Earmarxists.
(H/T to Jed Babbin who had the brain storm)
Coburn vs. the Earmarxists
By Michael Bates on March 21, 2007 5:21 PM
An update on Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn’s efforts in Washington:...
National Review Online
May 17, 2007 12:00 P.M.
There’s No Defending Pork
A key battleground for the GOP.

Perhaps it is the Republican establishment’s tendency to portray Porkbusters as the proletariat — the politically illiterate, unwashed masses who need guidance — that inspired a blogger at Redstate to describe pork apologists as “Earmarxists.”
Earmarxism is an appropriate term because earmarks are a tool career politicians use to reinforce the belief that the average citizen needs the federal government, and their individual member of Congress, to provide for their basic needs
Human Events
Earmarxists Commemorate the Hippie Summer of Love
by Jed Babbin
Is there any wonder that—according to RealClearPolitics—Congress’ job approval is still under 25%? The wonder is that anyone still supports the Reid-Pelosi two-ring circus. It’s fair to ask: do all those who still like Congress benefit directly from the dispensation of earmarks?
The Earmarxists are still in charge. Among them, Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer are earning the reputation as champ spenders.
New York (NY) Times
Buzzwords 2007
All We Are Saying

Published: December 23, 2007
earmarxist n.
A member of Congress who adds earmarks — money designated for pet projects — to legislation.