Eagle (golf score)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Wikipedia: Par (score)
Eagle means scoring two under par (−2). Eagles usually occur when golfers hit the ball far enough to reach the green with fewer strokes than expected. This most commonly happens on par-fives, though it occasionally occurs on short par-fours. A hole in one on a par-three hole also results in an eagle. The name “eagle” was used as a large bird representing a better score than a birdie.
Wikipedia: Glossary of golf
Double eagle
A hole played three strokes under par. Also called an Albatross.
A hole played in two strokes under par.
LA84 Digital Sports Library
January 1909, The American Golfer. “Around Philadelphia” by “Hazard,” pg. 127, col. 2:
Sometime after the hatching of the Birdie another feathered feature was given to golf—the Eagle, which soars even higher than the Birdie and is doubly rewarded. To secure an Eagle one must hole out in two less than par, thereby receiving from each opponent three balls (two for the Eagle and one for the Birdie).
LA84 Digital Sports Library
February 1909, The American Golfer. “Around Philadelphia” by “Hazard,” pg. 198, col. 2:
At this critical point the doctor won the championship with an “Eagle”—a wonderful 3—although a “Bird” would have sufficed.
LA84 Digital Sports Library
19 January 1921, The American Golfer, “Replying to Queries,” pg. 22, col. 1:
I am a new hand at the game of golf and some of the terms have me guessing a bit, especially since the friends with whom I play are apparently uncertain in their use. Will you be good enough to enlighten me on the meanings of the following: “Birdie,” “Eagle,” “Dormie” and “Nassau”?
When a hole is made in one stroke under par, the score is said to be a “birdie”; two under par is an “eagle.”